Chapter 2: Egg

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I opened my eyes and looked around.

My tummy hurt and I thought about mummy’s nice white fluid that eased it.

I looked around me to see if I could find mummy. I rolled over to my right side and used my hand and knees to push myself up.

I sat down on my bottom and looked around.

The baby at the other side of the room was looking at me. I smiled and it smiled back.

She was such a nice friend. I liked her pink pyjamas with bunnies on it. She had the same pyjamas as me.

My tummy made a funny noise and I looked around for mummy.

I let myself fall forwards towards the bars of my jail, grabbed two of them and pulled myself up.

I moved my feet beneath my bottom and pushed hard so that I was standing against the bars.

Mummy? Mummy!

Still no response.

What do I need to do to get a little attention here?

Oh yes. Scream.


breathe in…


Mum came running in. “WHAT’S WRONG? WHAT’S WRONG? HANNAH? STOP SCREAMing, honey. Mummy’s here.”

I lifted up my arms, asking her to get me out of the jail.

She smiled and lifted me up.

“Honey, what’s wrong?” she whispered while cuddling me.

I moved my head towards her extremely yummy smelling breasts.

She laughed.

“You are one clever little lady.”

Mummy carried me to the living room and walked over to her laptop and pushed some buttons.

“So all done. Feeding is ready.”

She sat down with me on the couch and bared one of her boobs.

Yum! My tummy rumbled.

I latched on and greedily suckled until I could feel the warm liquid filling my belly.

In the little flat, a valve moved away and the reservoir of milk that had been tapped from Eve during the day was diverted to the tube connected the baby’s mouth. Hannah was hanging in a special harness against her mother in the living room and was happily slurping the milk away. 

I first drank one breast but too soon mummy turned me to the other. I protested but as always she ignored me.

After a while I started to feel drowsy and I closed my eyes to sleep. But mummy was being horrible and kept tickling my feet.

I giggled and hugged her. She so warm and soft. And she smelled nice. Like the roses that daddy gave her yesterday and that were now standing in a pretty bottle on the big table.

I let go, not being able to drink another sip. She lifted me up and let me burp against her shoulder.

“So, big girl, let’s get you dressed. Lara just send me a message that your new pet arrived at the nursery.”

I smiled. Yeah! New toys!

She walked back to my room, put me on the dresser and dressed me in a red polka dot dress, matching red trousers and my favourite lace lined socks.

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