Second Chance

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We walked to the middle of the forest that borders to an unclaimed land. All the older females were here along with a few kids, today was the night. The Pack warrior bought a women in the middle of the circle everyone made. They pulled her hood off, it was Anna Mae. She lost her husband a couple months ago to a fight that broke out between the rogues and our pack. He was one of the 3 that died, I scanned the audience and saw them, the mates to the other deceased men.

I knew what was gonna happen, she was going to die. She has given up living without her mate and will be taking the easy way out. My mother would be the one to kill her, which will reunite her with her mate. This is done only to females since they are considered weaker to their male counterparts. It took them this long because they wanted to make sure she knew what she was doing. Her family was in the crowd crying, my mom left me and walked towards her.

Anna Mae looked up at my mom, tears flowing down her face. My mom asked her something and she nodded, she turned to look at her family who started crying out loudly. She then lowered her head, my aunt turned my head around but I could hear the snap. I turned just as her body fell to the ground. Her family ran to her, her mother was cradling her. Her brother Nick was telling her to get up. My aunt whispered to me that it's time to go, I didn't want to leave my mother but my aunt was pulling me to out house. Nick looked up and we locked eyes just for a moment before I turned and walked home.

Every since that day, my life has changed, my mom started teaching me the healing ways of her family line. I lost most of all my friends because they knew my mother was the one who did the ritual. I felt so alone that my mom transferred me from the werewolf school to a human school a couple miles from the forest. Things got better but whenever there was Pack meetings, I still felt that feeling of being alone. My mom didn't know that she was the reason behind all this and I wasn't gonna be the one to tell her. I just had to survive until I found my mate.

8 Years Later

I had graduated from my school a couple days before the werewolves had. I was taking a small gap of 3 months before starting college in the spring. The Pack was hosting a huge graduation party for all the kids, everyone was invited. I haven't been going to the pack meetings for a while now which was why my mom was forcing me to go today.

"Are you dressed" my mom asked me from the kitchen, I grabbed my jacket, my phone, and my flats and ran downstairs to the kitchen. My mom and aunt were waiting for me they looked at me like I was a baby all over again. My aunt pulled out the camera and started taking pictures while my mom kept on saying how beautiful I was, how proud she was and my dad would have never let me put the house.

My dad died when I was 4, when I was young I would ask questions about him, ask why he wasn't here but I stopped once I saw my mom cry at night for him. My aunt is a rejected wolf, he rejected her when his family found out that our family weren't Pure wolves like his was. My great great grand aunt was a witch, who in order to save her sister from dying by a hole in her heart, she captured a wolf and made him bite her sister.

What she didn't know was that they were mates and he would have gladly turned her. When her sister changed for the first time, she said it was magical. She moved in with them but because she was a witch, she had to choose her magic or her family. She picked her family but she never gave up her magic, just kept it a secret. As the generations went down we slowly moved down the Pack hierarchy as well but it didn't mean anything to my family.

"Ok, I'm going" I said trying to get away from them, they gave me some extra money and let me go,

As I was walking to the Pack house where the party was being hosted, I saw so many people. I think they invited other Pack kids as well, I walked in and was hit by all types of scents.

Food, Booze, weed and not to mention lots of sex. I walked to get something to eat when I bumped into a guy and girl. They looked cozy but something was off about him. I don't know why but I felt like I had to see his face. She left to go somewhere when he turned to get something to drink. I handed him a cup and as he turned to say thank you, I felt a shock. His eyes widened, I was confused but once I saw his face I knew exactly what just happened. He grabbed my hand and we started heading outside, I was protesting and trying to get him off because the shocks were going non stop. We finally made a distance from the Pack house when he let go and turned to me. I couldn't make out his face out in the Pack house but now I can clearly, it was Nick. He was my mate, he moved back one step back and then spoke to me.

"Raina, I have nothing against you but your mother is the reason why my sister died. I can't be with you, even though it's been years the pain is still there. Your mother is a monster" he said,

"Yes, my mother killed your sister but all she did was kill her physical body. Emotional your sister died the day she lost her mate and everyone in this pack knows that. My mother isn't a monster she's a healer, she healed your family by giving your sister a way to be with her mate. I'm sorry, you see it differently than what it is. And before you say the words I'll say them for you." I breathed out and back

"I Raina, reject you Nick as my mate and the other half. May fate untangle us from each other" just as the words left my mouth, I turned and walked straight into the forest. I made it to the stream that flows through our Pack land. I can see the sky and moon clearly in the reflection of the steam. I drop to my knees and let the tears flow.

"Why, what have I done. You haven't taken so much from my family. My father, my aunt's future and now my other half. What happiness are you gaining from all this." I said louder to the sky

"All I wanted was to live a life that would bring me happiness, but so far pain and suffering is all I know."

"I better have an amazing life after this, you hear me. I want to leave this Pack and move on with my life. Find someone who will love me and my family for who they are and not their reputation. Are you getting all this." I said as the tears have stopped for a while now,

"I want to be able to come back to this place when I'm ready. I want to get married and have kids. I want to help people but all I want is to be happy"

I don't know how long I been there by the steam watching the sky but it was pitch black outside. I started heading back to my house, I opened the door and saw my aunt waiting for me. She whispered that my mom was sleeping upstairs.

"So how was the party" she said as I closed the door,

I turned around and saw a huge smile on her face waiting for me to spill the details. I just got so overwhelmed, which caused the tears to start. I ran to her and just cried. She held me and said it's going to be ok and that she's here for me. I told her what happened, she just listened until the end.

"You're gonna find an amazing man out there who's going to love you for you. It's going to be ok. Your mother and I raised a strong girl, we always knew that but today I seen it." She said as she wiped my tears

"You're going to do your best to forget him and then you will see that fate has other things in plan for you. And if you need any help, she's a family friend" my aunt said as she pulled out a business card.

I looked confused but she said she will come in handy and that I needed to sleep to get ready for a new day tomorrow.

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