Chapter Five

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"Old friends become bitter enemies on a sudden for toys and small offenses" (Robert Burton).

*Avie's P.O.V*

Garcia and I are just sitting in her layer like every other day, but this day is different. Today is the day my phone continuously vibrates with a new txt. "So tell me again. Why does he keep trying to text you?" Garcia asks bewildered.

"I went out with him once. Who knew that guys could be that clingy? I mean one date and that was all it took. I told him that it wouldn't work. Because of that and now he is back to haunt my life."

"Why haven't you just blocked him? I am sure a little blackberry couldn't be that hard to work."

"You have obviously never had one. I mean, I can work any other electron device but not this one. Crackberry's are impossible to figure out."

"You have a point." She took my phone and started to hit a few buttons. The constant vibration stopped and she smiled. "Here you go."

A smiled spread across my face. "Thanks!"

Silence finally settled in the room. That is until Garcia's phone blared. "Talk to me you beautiful creature." I suppressed a laugh.

"Hey there baby girl. I need you to work your magic."

"Mmm... Anything for you sugar."

"What can you tell me about the unsub?"

"Well," She shot me a look. I nodded then she continued to press keys. "He grew up in Quantico, his mother passed away when he was sixteen. But it says here that someone thought they saw him... Ummm. Are you okay with hearing this?" She turned her head to face me.

"Yeah, I uhh know too much to stop now." I answered.

"Only if you're sure."

"Yeah I'm sure."

"Okay it says that someone thought they saw him committing cruel acts on animals. The charges were dropped due to some unknown reason."

"My neighbor once had a cat and we found if uh destroyed I guess you could say in the alley behind our house. Some say that it was the umm... Unsub who beat the cat. We aren't entirely sure because those people were also at some party that night. This was only just before my mother passed away."

"Okay thanks baby girl. And Avie." Morgan bid farewell and hung up.

"How are you?" Garcia asked.

"Pretty well I guess."

"No I mean. How are you dealing with all of this? I mean I know it wouldn't be easy going through something like this. It isn't easy finding out your father is a serial murderer and you have two little brothers and your mother passing away just months before."

"I don't really know how to answer you when you put it like that. He wasn't that bad of a father figure. He made us believe he truly loved us. And my mom, I knew it was her time to go. I still miss her but what happens happens. And my brothers are the greatest joy anyone could have." I haven't realized my anger was building up until now. "He will never be my father."

*Reid's P.O.V*

J.J and I are in the conference room on call with Janet Wilson. "Yeah we had some of that go missing right after Jerry came barging in that day. I haven't heard from him since then."

"Didn't you think of saying something to the authorities?" J.J asked.

"Well, I did, but I did hear about some students stealing some things from the labs so I just reported it to the head of the board."

"Okay. Thank you for your time."

"Yeah no problem. Bye."

J.J hung up the phone. "Okay so that explains where he got chemical from. These types of things get me mad. We know the general area of where the unsub will pick his next victim but we can't do much to stop him."

Over the course of the investigation, my mind has drifted to Avie. She looks familiar but I can't figure out why. And her mannerisms, she has this intensity about her and I don't know where this recognition if coming from. She almost seems as if she looks at Rossi with a recollection on memory when we talked with her via video chat.

I decided to call Rossi and talk to him about it. "Hey Reid." He said when he picked up.

"Hey, I was wondering if you knew anything about Avie. Like anything else besides what we already know."

"No not really. I mean I have seen her before but I don't know anything about her."

"Wait, when have you seen her?"

"She was the girl that came into my office but ran out. She asked me if I knew this woman, I don't really remember her name. It was almost like she expected me to know this person. I don't really know why."

"Oh, that's so weird." My mind is racing with different scenarios.

"Well, I have to go."

"Yeah." I hung up.

J.J flew open the doors. "There has been another murder. According to Hotch, he is getting more aggressive with his victims."

"Well, if it helps I think I know why he started where he did. You see here?" I pointed to the map. "Well if you see the way you connect the dots it ends right here in Quantico. I think he is making his way here because this is the last place he saw his wife. I also think that he might try and attack the hospital where his wife died."

"It is wise to direct your anger towards problems - not people; to focus your energies on answers - not excuses" (William Arthur Ward ).

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