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"You not choose your family, they are gods gift to you as you are to them" (Desmond tutu).

*Avie's P.O.V*

It feels so weird to call Rossi, 'Grandpa' now. When I hear people call him my grandpa, it takes me a second to realize who they are talking about. Luke and Alex even call him 'Grandpa' because they don't know anything different. They didn't know their biological grandparents either.

Once and a while, when I am tucking them in, Luke and Alex would ask about their father. It is hard to see the curiosity in their eyes knowing what I do and my knowledge of the man he was. I would tell him that he has gone away on a business trip which caused him to move away. I know that I have word it correctly to sound like he wouldn't come back, if I make it sound like he will come back, they would be heartbroken when he doesn't come. I don't want them to grow up waiting for someone who will never show up.

About two weeks after 'The Accident', as what we call it, I started to see a psychiatrist. My guilt of stabbing someone has been slowly fading. I have been opening up more to the people around me too. There is a family just down the road who has a daughter my age and two little boys a year old than each of the toddlers. We have become close over the few weeks and it is nice to have another friend. Maddy and I still talk but I think she is still trying to understand what went on.

Later today all of the BAU team is joining us for a garden party type thing. I decided that I should probably tend to my garden. Weeds are started to peer through the soil. I have always loved roses and when Grandpa heard this he allowed me to plant some. I have red, white, and pink ones. They haven't blossomed fully yet but the colours should be showing soon.

I entered the back yard and noticed that the roses have their petals peeping through the top slightly. I smiled to myself. I slipped gloves over my hands and sat down. There wasn't much there so it gave me just enough time to go and shower for today.

I just took off my gloves when a wet blast came and hit my back. I turned to face the two culprits. Devious smiles are plastered on the toddler's faces as they have the hose in their tiny hands. I smirked slightly before getting up and chased them around the house. They dropped the hose and ran away from me.

Knowing that the blast from the hose might hurt them if the water were to hit them, I placed my finger over the opening and tilted the hose towards the sky. The water sprinkled down over Alex and Luke like rain. They started to dance around and singing, 'I'm Singing In The Rain'. Their giggles filled the air. They ran up to me and hugged my legs. A laugh escaped my lips. The little ones have left muddy hand prints on my legs.

Out of nowhere, vehicles started to pull up the drive way. One by one they began to park in the front.

"Boys! We need to hurry and get changed. Let's do it before Grandpa notices. Go, go, go!" I shout whispered as we ran into the house.

I finished the fastest shower I have ever had and blow-dried my hair. I jumped into my white summer dress and placed my mom's heart shaped locket. She used to wear it and never took it off.

"Boys? Are you dressed?" I peered into their room and they were trying to button up their own shirts. "Would you like some help?"

"Avie, how are you so good at this?" Luke pondered.

"Yeah, you are amazing at everything." Alex agreed.

"Thanks buddies, but I just practice. You will get it eventually." I finished the last button. "There. Now let's go play."

We walked into the kitchen where everyone is gathered. The entire team is dressed in a formal but summery attire. A champagne glass is in the hand of each adult.

"Boys, let's go outside with the other boys. You can play with them." I placed my hand on both of their backs and led them outside.

A giant table is set under the gazebo. The entire gazebo has lights streamed across the pillars. Three candles lay lit on the table. A smaller table stood beside the gazebo for the kids. Decorating it, three electronic candles.

The kids sat at their table and the adults and I sat at ours.

Someone tapped their knife on their glass and cleared their throat. "Mmhh."

We looked up and found Grandpa standing, "I would like to make a toast."

We all raised our glasses.

"To Avie, to Luke, to Alex. To my new and reunited family."

"There is no real ending. It's just a place where you stop the story"

(Frank Herbert).

The End

So, there you have it! I can't believe it is already done! It has been an interesting journey; writing this story. I hope you like it! Fan, Vote, Comment! Love you my ducklings!


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