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The castle was heavily guarded, as always. Swords stood still every five metres around the perimeter. Even within the walls, guarding each room, each corridor. Although there was an ironic sense of freedom. No judgement was felt; the outside world was not there to stare one down or snarl. Leuedai had just gotten out of a steaming bath. Something she had dreamt of, but never expereinced. The steam somehow managed to calm her senses. Three ladies who's appearance was oddly ageless, gathered around her as they measured her naked body for a dress. The shame was evident in her glowing cheeks, but the women seemed to pay no attention to it. They were merely fixed on her body size.  Once she was clad in a light blue dress and given cow-hide boots, her hair was brushed by the hands of the three women. Not a word was said, everything unfolded silently. After she was groomed, a young woman entered the room with a smile - something Leuedai had forgotten existed. She was escorted to a great garden, filled with blooming flowers, lush green plants and a stunning waterfall. The sound of the water flowing down, mixed with the chirps of the joyful birds was the most peaceful sound she had ever encountered. Beside the waterfall, sat a beautiful woman. She was clad in an emerald dress and atop her head sat a golden crown of twisted leaves. To Leuedai's unexpected joy, it was the queen. Queen Ivory.  She sat on a wall, overlooking the garden and its crisp waterfalls. Looking up at Leuedai, she smiled brightly, her radiant beauty sending an inexplicable feeling to inhabit Leuedai's soul. Her eyes were an emerald green. So green, they stood out among the lush plants and her bright dress.  Her curly brown hair was down, save for two strands which were neatly tied behind her head. 

"Come, dear" She said as she closely observed Leuedai.

Leuedai warily sat beside the smiling goddess. Her hands were still shaking from the hell she had experienced- ironically, owing to a divine being. Although as she sat, a strange feeling came over her. As though the queen had an atmosphere of joy, love and comfort, Leuedai was oddly filled with a sense of peace. Ivory never ceased her smile as she gazed at the young woman before her. Leuedai found it hard to maintain eye contact with the blossomed face of a delicate rose. She nervously shifted her sight from the blooming royal countenance, to her hands which were in a position of prayer.

"What is your name?" Ivory asked with a tilted head.

A wave of fear washed over her. "I cannot... I must go and warn everyone." Her eyes were wild and filled with fear. "You must help me... They're going to die if I don't-"

"Shhhh". In a much needed comforting whisper, Ivory  repeated her question. "It's ok, my dove... What is your name?"

"Leuedai... My Queen."

"Leuedai what?"

"Lovell, my Queen."

"What a gorgeous name. The name of an angel" Ivory looked down at her hands in thought, then back up at Leuedai. "I saw what happened to you in the square."

Leuedai nodded. "You don't believe me, I imagine... You're not to blame, my queen... No one will."

Ivory shook her head slowly. "My guard is disfigured."

Leuedai had no words.

 "I believe you." A silence followed. "I believe you because God spoke to me as well... He appeared to me in a dream. And what a lovely dream it was..."

Leuedai could not believe her ears. She was grateful that someone was able to share her experience. That someone was able to assist her in warning the people. Although she knew it would take a long while for the queen to gain her trust. Weariness still gripped her with its cold fingers.

"I was walking through a garden filled with roses and babies breath... Daisies and orchids... Then suddenly, a light shone down on me. A light from the heavens... I was not frightened. I was at ease. Then a voice, as if coming from the far reaches of the garden, began to speak to me in a gentle manner... It was in Latin, though I could understand it... We were taught it at a young age... A war, it said. Will come and destroy everything... I was told to warn my people and to stop it..."

Leuedai nodded. "Yes" She said, almost inaudibly. "Your grace... That is what God spoke to me."

Ivory caressed her with her gentle eyes. "Are you afraid, my dove?... Forgive me, of course you are."

Leuedai bowed her head slightly. 

"My dove," Ivory's voice was warm and smooth like rich, liquid chocolate. "The Lord wants us both..." Her smile dissipated and their surroundings grew dark. "To stop this war... Together."

Leuedai nodded once more.  Deep within her soul, she longed for the queen to form an alliance with her. Her presence offered only comfort and love. All that Leuedai needed desperately. 

"We must work as one" With this, Ivory stared off into the far distance, although her emotions were not easily read. Instead, she hid them with a kind smile and an elegant, graceful way of going about things. "No one must know about this... Not even the king... Do you hear me?"

"Yes, your grace."

"Good." The queen nodded and allowed her smile to return and sit comfortably on her face. "You mustn't go far. I will inform my advisor of your presence and he will make arraignments for you to stay within the castle walls... Somewhere out of the kings sight... He will have you stoned if news of your presence reaches him."  With that, Ivory stood and positioned herself for Leuedai to link arms with her. "I will inform the ladies."

"Will they not tell the king, your grace?"

Ivory laughed. "No, my dove... They are loyal to me and to me only... The king plays no part in their lives... If it was up to him, he'd have them stoned for all to see."

"Come. We have long days ahead of us."

Leuedai and Ivory strolled back into the castle and dissipated behind its walls. Leuedai, although her visions were still vividly bouncing around her skull, was at ease with this woman. Linking arms with her was like doing so with an angel. Graceful, she was. Elegant. Beautiful. Respect did exist for the king, yet she was afraid that envy was consuming her after a short, first-time interaction. King Oliver did not deserve such a woman. No one did.    

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2016 ⏰

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