Chapter Thirty Six

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Eve settled in bed that evening and tried to think of other things. If she didn't focus on Mark and how the day had gone, she just might be able to make it through this day.

Her father had ended the ceremony abruptly on her behalf, also apologising to the Royals and the people on her behalf. Many of them had been insulted but a few had simply gone back to their kingdoms without a word.

Chris and her Mother had come up to her room earlier in the day. They didn't say a word before hugging her and deciding that she needed to be alone. And she did. She didn't want to spend the day talking about Mark. If only she could convince her mind to corporate with her decision.

She sighed, pulling her pillow up in her arms and hugging it tightly.

A soft knock sounded on her door.

“Enter” She said softly.

“Princess, a man insists on seeing you”

“What?” She gasped. Mark? Had Mark come back for her? Did she even want to see him? Should she go? No, she shook her head as if to shake off such silliness. “Who is it?”

“He says his name is Alex and he insists on seeing you” The guard said.

“Is he alone?” She asked, trying to keep her heart rate down.

“Yes, princess. He awaits you in the garden. I will send him on his way...”

“No. I will see him” She gave a half smile. “You may leave”

He bowed his head and turned away. She faced her room. What are you even thinking, Eve. How can you possibly consider this? But this was Alex and Alex wasn't the one who tried to kill her. She slipped out of her flannel night gown and into a more comfortable purple gown. Pulling her hair into a bun, she pulled the door open and found her way to the Royal garden.

On sighting her, Alex made his way towards her.

“Princess” He greeted, bowing his head.

“Alex?” She glanced around. “Where is Mark?”

“In Graceland, by now”

“I see” The thought of Mark leaving hit a spot in her heart. She ignored the pain and faced Alex. “Why have you come?”

“The King loves you, princess”

“Mark sent you?”

“No” He shook his head. “I defied his Royal Highness to be here. I have come to find out why you turned him away”

“Mark would act like he doesn't already know” She sniffed, making her way to the garden seat and plopping herself down. Alex stood before her until she motioned for him to sit. “When you left me alone in Graceland, after Mark asked me to leave, a man tried to kill me” She heard Alex gasp and she nodded. “Mark sent him”

“Forgive me, princess but that cannot be correct”

“I thought so too, Alex, I really did” She sniffed. “When I challenged him, he insisted it was the Prince who sent him and I believed him because, well, because If it weren't for his dark brown hair as compared to Mark's blond hair, they do resemble each other so much” Silence. She turned to face Alex to be sure he heard her. “Alex?”

“Master Raphael” He nodded. “The man you speak of is King Mark's cousin, the man who killed the King's father. He has been exiled. Princess, My king will never try to harm you”

Mark's father is dead? And he was killed? She gasped, realising for the first time that all these while, Alex had referred to him as 'the king'. Perhaps she hadn't noticed because she had been so hurt.

“The King is dead?” Tears ran down her face. No wonder Mark had been so hurt, no wonder he had asked her to leave Graceland, no wonder she had heard nothing from him in the days leading to her proposal. But inspite of it all, he had come just for her and she had turned him down.

“Killed by King Mark's cousin. The king was haboring a criminal and he had no idea. This has just been a big misunderstanding, princess”

She nodded her head. She had to find Mark, to apologise. Would he take her back? She didn't know. Alex squeezed her hands. She glanced up to find him smiling down at her.

“If my princess is willing, I will escort her to my king in Graceland”

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