Chapter Twenty Seven

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Mark hurried down the hall, his heart pounding in his chest as he made his way to his father's bed chamber. The king's health had taken a turn for the worse and he was beginning to cough up bloody substance.

He pushed the door open and was greeted by the sight of his mother, surrounded by many slaves as they struggled to care for his father. He rushed to their side.

“Leave” He gave the orders without a side ways glance.

The room emptied out, leaving just his mother with him.

“He would not let us awaken you” She cried.

“You should have sent for me nonetheless, Mother”

All through the night, the King had been battling for his life but nobody informed Mark. Because he was too frantic to be upset, he faced the situation before him instead.

“Your highness” Alex walked into the room. “I am afraid there is bad news”

“Worse than this, Alex?”

“The Princess of Celin has gone missing. The King has sent a message ordering us to return her before the day is over”

“What?” He glanced up. “What happened to Eve?”

“The letter does not say much but Master Raphael knows about it and the Royals are summoning a meeting”

“What gives the king of Celin the impression that I have anything to do with it?” He didn't have the energy to handle this many problems in one morning.

“She ran away and a fisherman brought her here but nobody has seen her yet”

“Then go, find her”

“Yes, your highness” Alex left the room.

He turned to his father, ignoring the look of disapproval in his mother's eyes.

“You must turn away from that girl, Mark”


“No! Your kingdom needs you and so does your father. You are no longer a child, Mark, you have responsibilities and right now, your responsibility is keeping your father alive”


Eve approached the massive black gates of the palace of Graceland that afternoon. She put her hand to her head in a failed attempt to shield her eyes from the scorching sun above. She brought her horse that she had leased to a halt and dismounted.

Pulling the reins, she stood before the gates and addressed the two guards outside.

“I am here to see the Prince” She announced.

“The Prince is not expecting you” One answered.

She was about to protest when she saw a horse and it's rider riding out of the palace gates. Once out of the gates, the horse came to a halt and the rider dismounted.


“Alex!” She threw her arms around him, relieved. He smiled at her and helped her mount her horse before mounting his and they rode in together.

She was at once led into the palace but was asked to wait outside a door. She waited for a few minutes and Mark appeared before her. She threw her arms around him, over joyed to be seeing him after so many weeks.

“Oh Mark!” She broke down in tears.

“Eve” He pulled away. “I have ordered Alex to escort you back to Celin. You should not have come here” He said.

She watched him, tired eyes staring back at her own widened eyes. She should not have come? This most definitely was not the welcome she was expecting.

“I won't go back, Mark. You cannot ask me to do that. Father will force me to get married in a week.”

“Eve, I cannot deal with this right now. I have more pressing matters on my hands”

“More pressing? Mark, did you hear what I just said?” She half screeched. It was the most unladylike sound she had ever made but she didn't care to apologize.

“Your father is threatening to attack my city, my father is sick, my cousin is threatening to dethrone me. I have so much to deal with right now, Eve. I need you to return” He turned to walk back through the door.

“What are you saying, Mark, what are you really saying?” Tears filled her eyes.

He was turning his back on her, he was leaving her. She had traveled for so many hours to be with him only for him to ship her back to where she came from.

“Eve! Life is bigger than both of us. My Kingdom needs me and I cannot turn my back right now. Perhaps it was wrong to fall in love with you” He walked through the doors, leaving her standing there.

His words hit her hard across the face and crumbled to her knees and wept.


Raphael had been on his way to engage in another quarrel with Mark when he heard the exchange between him and the princess of Celin.

He stopped in his tracks and listened to every word. Mark was turning her away. But why? He did not want to lose the throne? What would it mean if the princess never returned to Celin alive? Yes. He would kill her; getting vengeance for his own father's death, and her father would intensify the war with Graceland, perhaps even send troops into the city. Not only that but Mark would be heart broken, perhaps so heartbroken that he would put a knife through his own chest, saving Raphael the trouble of doing so himself. Then, Raphael would be made king and he could end Celin once and for all.

He watched Eve on her knees as she wept, a smile forming on his face.


Eve wept for a few minutes while Alex stood beside her without saying a word.

She cried for Mark. She cried about the fact that she had lost him. She mourned for the death of the love they had once shared. She mourned for her own broken heart. Not only was she heart broken but she was being forced to gather the pieces of her heart and marry a complete stranger. How was she going to do that? She had failed. She had failed love. She had failed Celin and the possibility of peace. She had failed herself.

She had been wrong to think that everything could change. She had been wrong to betray Father. She had been wrong to turn all those Princes away. But if there was one thing she was not wrong about, it was love.

Mark had no right to tell her that their love was wrong. He was the one who was wrong. The arrogant man! She sniffed. Arrogant, lazy, timid man! He had proven that he was not strong enough and she did not want to be with a man who could not fight for her.

She picked herself off of the floor and dusted her gown. Without a word, she turned and walked back down the hall she came from, determined to return to Celin to right her wrong.

Author's Note :
Hey lovelies! Thanks for stopping by!! Muah Muah!

I'm trying my very best to bring this story to an end. Actually, the more I write, the more dramatic it becomes. And between you and I, I'm totally surprised myself. My mind keeps amazing me. I actually thought this book would be about twenty chapters tops but as it is, I've written way more (secretly, I have over thirty chapters hidden somewhere. Lol). I won't publish now cause I'm still editing but I'm anxious to be done, loves. Sheesh.

Once I'm done editing, I'll publish. Can't wait to add completed to the title of this book.

Hey, if you made it to the end of my author note, do me a favor by voting on it and do leave a comment. Point out my errors and all, I'd appreciate that. Do you love the story so far? Pray tell.


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