Chapter 9

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I backed up slowly walking backwards until I was outside and then I started running, And tripped over a stick, But I got up and ran as fast as I could but it wasn't very fast, It's like I was in slow motion I turned my head and saw Chase standing under a tree that had bright purple leaves on it.

"Chase" I said slowly He looked up to me reaching his left arm out to me, I walked toward him, The grass was Bright orange in a huge field I couldn't see the end of.

I looked behind me to where I came from,  Nothing.
Nothing was there, not the tree house or anything, Nothing!

I turned turned to face Chase and I put my right arm out to touch his, he smiled and looked in to my eyes and said in a whisper "Kelly,  I know your real name" he said now smiling a toothy grin.

"ElBourne" He said quietly, I gasped.
How does he know that?

He turned his head to look behind him, He looked at me again That smile that I love gone, Worry now in his eyes. He bent down I little to whisper something in my ear.


A/N Just a short chapter because I need to sleep! Goodnight to all!-IsabellaHollyRex

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2016 ⏰

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