Chapter 4

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I looked up and started crying again
"You're so sensitive" Chase said annoyed "Shut up and let's go" I hissed "Where do you suppose we could go miss brainiac?" He said making fun of me

I walked up to the Mona Lisa painting on the wall and took it off the wall "Practical" I whispered "What was that? Chase kiss me? Ok if you insist" he said walking toward me he was really close to me " Ew Chase no! "
I said pushing his face away

Icky was still sound asleep on the foot of my bed.
I punched in 4172004 and it opened there was a slidelike tunnel. I grabbed Icky off of my bed and looked at Chase, he looked surprised and i stood at the entrance of the tunnelslide and Chase said " you're not actually gonna go down there are you?" He said more like a statement then a question with a smirk on his face.

"For your information I am! Come on Icky!"
He sighed "I'm not going down there!" He stated
"Okay bye" I said picking up Icky "No matter how much begging and pleading I will not go down there!"
"Okay have fun" I said moving closer to the secret tunnel.

"Fine I'll go stop begging!" He said walking towards me.
"Whatever! I need to pack"
"Okay I'll wait" he said.
I grabbed my bag and put all the things that I'll need to leave then I put Icky in my bag on top of everything.
"Icky you better not pee!" I whispered Icky's way.

Chase yawned and held up his left wrist and pretended to look at a watch (Which he didn't have)
"Kay let's go!" I said sitting down in the slidy tunnel and pushed myself down.

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