8- Somewhere to call home

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I wake up groggily, the blurred lights and voices slowly coming into focus.
"Matthew? Mr Bellamy?"
I groan in response; my leg is killing me and my head's pounding like crazy.
"Matthew, can you see me?" A doctor asks.
I sit up slightly, my eyes resting on the concerned looking doctor in front of me.
"You passed out again... was it Dom?"
I nod, glancing away. I'm not going to cry over my imagination. I won't.
"So, Matthew, we think it's best for you to go to the psychiatric hospital near here. We rang your family, but they said you were no longer part of them-"
"Yup, they threw me out because I'm depressed and schizophrenic." I say flatly. "They weren't too fond of my coming out, either." I add, and the Doctor shakes his head.
"That's awful. But we can get you transport to the hospital, they'll take good care if you."
"When can I go?" I inquire.
The Doctor checks his watch, then looks back up.
"As soon as you wish, Matthew."
I take a deep breath, and try to stand up.
"I don't have anything with me, so I'm good to go whenever." I say, and the Doctor nods.
"Come on then, we have transport for you." He says, leading me out of the room.
{An hour later}
I hobble out of the taxi, and slowly make my way up the stone steps towards the doors. A new doctor accompanies me, carrying a bag with the little amount of possessions that I own. The door opens as we walk closer; a tall, stern looking lady dressed in plain white uniform steps out of the doorway.
"Mr Bellamy?"
I nod nervously, diverting my eyes to look at the floor. I hear the voices talking above me, only they morph into background noise as my head begins to speak again.
You'll never have anyone to trust again.
"... Matthew?"
I look up quickly at the doctor next to me and nod, not knowing what either of them had been saying to each other.
"That all seems in order then. Follow me, Mr Bellamy." The lady says, stepping back into the doorway. I glance at the doctor who brought me here, and after a small nod of thanks, step into the building.
Instantly, a feeling of great unease takes over my body in waves. It is cold and plain- white walls, floor, ceiling; everything white. I follow the lady down the long corridor ahead of us, until she abruptly stops and enters a door to the left of us.
Inside the room, a chill echoes throughout me. A practically empty room, with a chair, washstand, pile of clothes, and a bottle of medication.
"Get changed here, into your new clothes. Take your medication. I'll be back in shortly." The lady says, eyes narrowed at me, then slams the door as she walks out. My hands are shaking as I look around, and walk over to the washstand.
My face, pale and gaunt, stares back at me in a badly cleaned mirror. This isn't me- this isn't who I am.
After a quick splash of cold water on my face, I turn to the pile of clothes and begin to get changed. The baggy trousers and plain shirt are both white- as are the socks, underpants and unpleasant shoes. Whilst changing, I eye the orange bottle of medication on the table next to me. There is no way they are making me take that, especially if I've never seen it before.
As I tie up the last shoelace, the door clicks open and the lady re-enters, accompanied this time by an angry- looking doctor.
"Have you taken the medication yet, Bellamy?" A sharp male voice says.
I glance up, then back to the floor as I stand back up.
"N-No. It's not what I usually take." I reply.
"It isn't supposed to be what you usually take. But it is from now on." The harsh voice replies, and I see two shadows stride up to me.
"Hold him."
Before I can react, the lady grabs my arms with a vice-like grip and pulls me down onto the floor. I'm kneeling, feeling the cold from the stone floor and bow my head down. The distinct sound of a bottle of medication opens, the polls pour into his hand, then footsteps again towards me. With the doctor's free hand, he grabs my chin and forces my head up. His face remains unchanged; still cold and brutal, whereas my mouth is trembling and I can feel the tears pricking in my eyes already.
"Open his mouth- I have a feeling we have a tricky patient here. Not so hard to break him, though." He instructs, and the lady moves her grip as to prise my mouth open.
He puts them inside of my mouth, and I instantly gag- but he forced my mouth shut and covers my nose. I swallow quickly as to be able to breathe again. The grip is released, my mouth and nose uncovered, and they stand up, leaving me helpless on the floor.
"Get up, Bellamy. We will take you to your room. You will stay there for the rest of the day."
My whole body trembles with fear, but their ruthlessness forces me to lift myself from the ground and follow them to the door.
"Oh, and leave your bag here. You won't be needing it." The nurse says as I reach for the small bag containing the few possessions that I own. Defeated already, I turn away from it and walk out of the door with the two behind me. For a while we walk down yet another corridor, both doctor and nurse on either side of me, then we reach a door labelled 207.
The doctor unlocks the door, and flares at me with his cold eyes.
"We will see you tomorrow, Bellamy."
And with one shove, I'm through the door and hear it slam behind me. A lock turns and I know I'm trapped.
This is hell.

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