5- Fallouts, funny looks, and forgivness

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The soft tweeting of early morning birds wake me up in the morning. I sit up, then realise Dom isn't here.
"Dom?" I ask, rubbing my eyes. When I open them again, he is sat next to me, looking at me.
"Morning Matt." He says, smiling. I frown slightly.
"How did you...?" I ask, trailing off.
"How did I what?"
"I woke up and you were gone, then you were here."
"I never went Matt. I woke up before you, you were probably half asleep." Dom states, chuckling.
"Ughh." I groan. "My brain's confusing me. It's fucked up."
Dom wraps his arms around me and pulls me to his chest.
"Your brain isn't fucked up, Matt."
"Is too." I mutter shortly. He holds me at arms length, surveying my face.
I sigh, breaking the contact and staring at the floor.
"I mean, I have depression, anxiety and schizophrenia, I can't get much worse, can I?" I say dully, half heartedly laughing.
"Hey, just because you have that doesn't mean you aren't a decent guy, Matt."
"People always used to stare when he talked to me. I would shout saying I won't let him control me... and you know what I did? I scared people around me." I say flatly, glancing at Dom.
Suddenly, I see his eyes flicker. Was it just trick of the morning light..?
"Who's he?" Dom asks slowly.
"The one in my head. He is the cause of my depression and anxiety."
Dom doesn't speak for a while.
"Matthew, look at me."
I look up; he seems to have such a strong power radiating off him for some reason. I don't want to stay in his presence, it's scaring me slightly.
"D-Dom, I'm scared that you're not real." I stutter, and Dom frowns.
Quickly, he embraces me into a hug, but I wriggle out of his grasp.
"Matt, what is wrong with you-"
"I don't know, I'm scared. I don't want to lose someone who is so important to me. I don't want it to be fake." I say quickly, backing off from him.
"Matt, I'm real." He says softly, and I whimper.
"I'm physical, right? You can see me, touch me, I'm here, yes?"
I nod, but I'm still cautious.
"Matt, please don't leave me." He says, holding out his arms.
I can't resist him; I crawl back over and collapse in his strong arms.
"I'm s-sorry, Dom-"
"It's okay, I understand you Matt." He says softly, stroking my hair. I feel my eyelids grow heavy, and I drift off.
{A few days later}
"Dom, I need to go to the shop." I say, zipping my backpack up after looking for food again.
"No Matty, stay here with me." Dom says, patting the floor next to him.
"I'm hungry though!" I whine, making to climb down, when Dom grabs me.
"Stay here Matt." He . I stare into his eyes, surprised.
"The fuck, Dom?" I asked, and shake his arm off me. He stares blankly at me.
"Fine. Go. Leave me here." He snaps, turning his back on me.
"Well I'm sorry that food is a basic need of life, what are you, a fucking alien?" I retort, and instantly regret it.
Dom spins round quickly, grabbing my shirt by the collar, and my feet leave the branches, making me suspended in the air.
"Take that back, you bastard." Dom says aggressively, his face close to mine. I glance down; I was so high up, and my shirt could rip at any moment.
I feel my feet come into contact with the branches, and I quickly descend, running away from Dom as quick as I could.
My heart is pounding out of my chest as I sprint for the town. I start to see the buildings, and I slow down as I walk out of the forest, panting like hell.
Hello, Matthew.
No, not now. Go away.
I haven't left you since we last properly talked, Matty boy.
I take my time to go to the shops and buy some food and drinks. As I pay for them, I look outside and notice Dom stood at the edge of the forest.
"That's four pounds sixty... hello?"
I turn back and notice it's Chris from last time.
"Sorry, um, yeah." I stammer, finding my money.
"Have you got a friend with you or are you just binge eating?" He says, grinning.
"Um yeah, I'm with my friend Dom.. he's just there, look." I say, glancing at him. He just stands there, and Chris looks over.
"Where?" He says, frowning.
"Just there? Can you not see him?" I say, looking at Dom.
"No... Are you sure you're okay?"
I look at Chris, then back to the woods. Dom wasn't there.
"I'm... fine. Thank you." I say, taking my food and leaving.
As soon as I'm in the woods, I race back to my treehouse, and then slow down as soon as it comes into view.
"Dom? Dom, I'm sorry!" I plead, as I climb up.
I throw the bag in first, then haul myself up. Dom was in the corner, his knees pulled to his face.
"Dom?" I whisper, slowly and cautiously making my way to him. He freezes, and puts a hand out, as if to stop me.
I stop moving, and we sit in silence.
"Dom, I'm sorry. I didn't mean anything by what I said, I just didn't think-"
"C'mere." He mumbles, holding out his arms. I crawl to him and collapse into him, feeling his strong arms wrapped strongly around me.
"I'm sorry." We both say at the same time. He squeezes me in his arms.
Suddenly, Dom says something that caught me completely of guard.
"I love you, Matthew."

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