Chapter 13

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I'll admit it, I like his touch. But do I want to forgive Cooper so easily? No. But I don't want him to think I'm leading him on, because I'm not. I want him all for myself. But, I want him to know he can't play games with me and let me just forgive him after he makes mistakes.

Cheating, he wasn't really cheating but it defiantly felt like it. And let's not forget he knew I was his mate. Cheating is not okay with me, it shouldn't be to anybody, but a girl can't hide from her feelings. The feelings eat her alive, and she runs back to the dirty, little cheater.

I, however, will try my best to not to that shit, because it only shows the guy, that he can, get away with the little crime in relationships, called cheating. I personally think people should get punished for cheating, but you know, 'There's more serious things than cheating.' Well, in some ways it's not. People do commit murder, but that's not serious or anything. WELL GUESS WHAT, IT IS!

Cooper tugged on my arm, to go further in the line, we were becoming closer to the front. And it's one of those that flip, so I'm going to shit my pants.

Pardon my language.

In my foreign land where I've grown up, it's an everyday thing, and not at all, foreign words to us.

"How many? Just two?" The worker asked.

Well no shit.

"Yes sir."  I answered for Cooper, because I knew his comment was going to be sarcastic.

He smiled greatly, probably for my manners, and stepped out of our way.

The worker started the ride up, and it jolted.

I jumped back, what the hell kind of ride jolts when started? All the others started just fine, all we smooth. This must be an old ride.

"Relax, it's just old." Cooper consoles. Shut up bitch tits.

'Listening to your whole date, has been entirely too interesting.' Reagan cracked up in my head.

What the hell? This whole time? Once you find your mate and you go on a date I'm going to listen, and you're going to be pissed off.

'On the bright side, you don't have to explain the whole thing to me.'

Wasn't going to anyway.

'You're a liar, I would've bothered you until the day you died until I figured it out.'

I still wouldn't have told you.

"Uh, Estella? Are you okay?" Cooper barged in.

"Yes, Reagan's just been eavesdropping on us, the entire time."

He zoned out, and came back in with a smile.

'I hate you, now I have to patrol. Bitch.'

Serves you right, you whore. Have fun! Maybe you can tell me all about it when you get back!

'Tell bitch tits I hate him. Hope you die on your stupid date.'

Have fun!

"Is she still talking to you?"


"You're lying," Cooper huffed.

"No, leave her alone."

I stopped him, he needs to chill. 

I was going to say something, but there's no need to say anything more.

The ride ended, and I didn't even notice.  

"Let's go home." And wrapped an arm around my shoulder.


I saw Reagan, getting out of the car. She was not very deep in the woods, probably going to catch the left over rogues, that may get loose. But, I'm pretty sure, that's not the case... At all.

I waved at her, before she "glared" at me and flipped me off.
Have fun. Whore.
Couldn't just say it?
'Nah, I'm too tired.'
Someone grabbed my arm, and judging by the electric jolts, bolting throughout my body, it was Cooper.
Or it could be a taser, and I'm having a late reaction.

"Estella, let's go."
Where are we again?

Oh, right. Cooper's.

He opened the door and the smell of cookies danced in the air.

Unfortunately, we were not having cookies. We were heading up to Cooper's.


Okay, I know this is a really shitty, and short chapter... But I haven't updated since Christmas, and I wanted to update. I promise the next should be interesting. I've been travelling a lot and I was trying to conserve my phone's battery. Also, everything in this story DOES HAPPEN FOR A REASON. Thank you guys for everything! Don't be a silent reader! :-)

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