1.5 - The Cup of Tea

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♤ Mckayla's Perspective ♤

~day before OCTA performance~

   I woke up yet again to the door sliding open. I sat up so I looked more alive, letting him know that I'm not dead..yet. Walter walked in with a cup of tea in his hands and a satisfied smirk on his face. "Good moring Mckayla. How was your sleep?" He said in a calm voice while sipping on his tea. "Fine. Aren't you going to demand the location of the horsemen again? Because I'm pretty sure you know my answer." I said in a smartass tone.

He laughed at that," oh no, Mckayla. I already know the location they will be at tomorrow so I don't need to ask you." I looked at him weirdly," then why don't you let me go? You already know what you need to know." "Oh Mckayla, you really are stupid," I glared at him," The reasons why I need to keep you here is because I'm going to use you to blackmail the horsemen and I don't want you to be running around telling people or the horsemen that I've kidnapped you." "Why do you need to blackmail them? What do you want from them anyways?" I never realized to ask him why he was doing all this.

"Don't worry. Your questions will be answered in due time. Have a nice day," he said and walked away sipping on his damn tea. I scoffed when he walked away, the door sliding shut and locking itself. If he knows what he needs to know, does that mean I won't be abused anymore? What if I get abused more just to make the horsemen feel pityful? What about Merritt? What will he think about his only niece being kidnapped and abused by Walter? What will he think about his own brother knowing that I'm being abused? Ugh..all these questions are hurting my head. I'm just going to sleep the day away.

♧ Merritt's Perspective ♧
        Where the hell could she be? I paced back and forth with my phone in my hand. I took of my fedora off to rub the sweat from my head and placed my fedora back on my head. Mckayla hasn't answered any of my calls or texts. It's been two weeks and I haven't received anything. My fellow horsemen were perfecting some minor details for the OCTA show that's happening tomorrow. I told them that I was going to take a nap, I did, but I couldn't enjoy it because I don't know if Mckayla is okay. I know she is a 24 years old woman but I just need to know if she's doing okay.
      I walked back outside to the main room to find everyone still practicing their parts. "Mckinney's up," I heard Lula say. "Good afternoon everyone," I said to everyone with a small smile. I walked down the stairs and walked twoards Jack, who was working on his cards. He's the only that knows about Mckayla not answering and my nonstop worrying. I guess he noticed I was getting stressed out again. "Hey Merritt, did she not answer yet?" he asked me. "Nah, it's been two weeks, I'm getting worried," I said to him.

"Don't worry, Merritt. She's probably just busy with her performances and stuff," Jack said patting me on the back. "But she only does performances in the night because of her name. What if something happened to her? What if the FBI tried to arrest her and ask her questions about us?" I said worriedly. She is my niece and the only family I have left."Merritt, I work with the FBI remember? They couldn't get close to her or any of you," Dylan said while helping Lula with her mic, I guess everyone over heard my over reacting complaints. They all probably thought I was acting like an over protective mother right now.

"But right now we need you to focus because our performance at OCTA headquarters is tomorrow," Danny said, trying to make the mental facility bracelet for the technician on the computer. "Oh I know, I only have one job. If everything goes as planned up to my part it will go smoothly," I said with a grin. "You should chill right now Merritt, you might have a heart attack," Lula chuckled and walked up to me," just like Jack said, Mckayla is probably fine.  By the way, when we are done this thing can I meet her?" Lula said with excitement. "Sure that's fine," I said smiling. They're right. Mckayla is perfectly fine.  There's nothing to worry about. I just have to focus for tomorrow's performance and when we're done I will visit her.

♤ Mckayla's Perspective ♤
   ~day of performance~

I've just been waiting here ever since Walter told me he knows the location of the horsemen. What was he going to do to them? Ever since my last encounter with Walter no one has bothered me at all. No beatings, no interrogations, nothing. For hours I've just been sitting on the hard concrete floor waiting. I don't know what to expect, nothing has happened and Walter already knows what he needs to know. Why the fuck am I still here then?

Just then the door beeped and slid open. Two guards were walking towards me, picked me up and forced me to stand up.My body was still aching so it was kind of hard to stand still. They shoved me so I'd start walking, I did, and they kept their hands on each of my arms so I couldn't run. We walked out of the basement and up the stairs beside the doorway.

A few minutes later, we reached the next floor to a different room. There was a fancy cushioned chair and a mini table in the middle of the room. It was a little smaller than the previous room I was shoved into but it looked better. They pushed me again so I was sitting on the chair," Jheez, no need to shove me." They both grunted and left the room and locked it. I took this time to observe the room. The walls were baby blue and there were three windows with locks on them. This was a better room than the other but I was still starving and my body aches a lot. My appearance wasn't the best, the blood stains and dirt spots covering my clothes. My fedora was still intact but dusty. I guess I just have to wait until the Horsemen get here.

♧ Merritt's Perspective ♧
     ~after OCTA performance because I'm a lazy ass bitch~

We all dropped into a cart of dirty rags. What the actual fuck? I got out first and looked around. There was chinese people everywhere, some yelling at us in chinese. When everyone was grouped together we were shoved out of the kitchen. Some random person grabbed my fedora out of my hands," hey what the hell man?" I yelled to the guy.

When I got it back I stumbled out of the kitchen to meet the rest of the group. "Jack what happened to the van?" Danny asked. "I swear I connected the tube to the van. I tested it out myself," Jack said exsaperately. "How am I so hungry? Why are there chinese food everywhere? I swear I ate before the show," Lula said while rubbing her stomach. "Guys, I think the people here don't call it chinese food. I think it's just called 'food'," I said. "Wait, how is that possible?" Danny questioned. Then I heard a familiar giggle of someone I never wanted to see again.

       Ooh, cliffhanger!! Yeah you guys probably know who it is but whatever. Oml this took me awhile but it's up. Don't forget to Vote/Comment/Share the story if you liked it.

- Poisonous Panda M.  

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