1.1 - Blast from the Past

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♤ Mckayla's Perspective ♤

One more box, Mckayla. Just one more box. I lifted the last cardboard box that carries my possessions into my truck. Yes, I own and drive a pick-up truck. I wiped the beads of sweat away from my forehead with the sleeve of my navy blue shirt.

If you're wondering what I'm doing, I'm packing all my stuff and moving to a different apartment in New York. A few days ago Merritt said he would be moving out and living with the famous Jack Wilder.

He said that I could have the apartment, but I quickly denied and said I'd rather find another place to live. The reason being, Merritt does not have good hygiene, so I salute to Jack for goodluck.

I checked the time on my Rolex watch. 2:18pm. Alright I have sometime to chill out and rest. I went to the trailer of my truck, I wanted to remenice in my memory box.

I was currently digging through one of my boxes and a familiar jade green box came into my line of sight. Hello there, my old friend. This box carries my most treasured belongings, any photos I hold dearly and memories I cannot and will not trade for anything in the world.

I took the box out and jumped out the back. I walked to the inside of my truck, closed the door, dimmed the light, lit up a candle. Okay, I was joking about dimming the lights and lighting up a candle, that would've been creepy.

I opened my treasured box and the first thing I saw were two playing cards. The first was the 7 of Diamonds.

I was ten at the time. Just a normal day hanging with my uncle Mckey. By normal I mean sitting a table away from him while he does his little gigs.

It's usually in retirement homes or little casinos. The only reason I was allowed in there was because Merritt knows the guy that owns the place so he knows I'm a good girl. Anyways, Merritt was currently using his mentalism skills to make a 21 year old man flirt with a waitress.

He sometimes got crowds when he did mentalism but we were in a casino so it would cause too much comosion. It was quite funny watching the waitress pour one of her drinks onto the poor guy but well, Merritt got tips so whatever floats our boat.

When uncle Mckey was done his performance, we proceeded to go to a near by ice cream truck. There was one in the middle of Central Park so we ordered and sat down on a red wooden bench with our ice cream.

I was pondering over the one question I was begging to ask Merritt since I was 5.

"Uncle Mckey? Can I ask you something?" I asked with my award winning puppy dog eyes.

"Sure pumpkin. What's up?" he said with a warm smile, his laugh lines showing at the creases of his eyes and mouth.

"Can you teach me how you do your mentalism stuff?" I was basically crossing my fingers, hoping he would say yes.

"Hmm..well let me think" he has this expression for every time he's thinking very hard on something.

Sometimes it wasn't good what he was thinking so hard about.

"Maybe in a year or so Mckayla. You're still in a young age and you shouldn't be fussing about magic yet. You are very good at basic magic and throwing cards but I don't know if you're ready for the, lets say, wonderous life of mentalism", he was trying to let it out nicely. But me being a smart kid I knew he was just being lazy and doesn't want to pause his career. "But Mckey! I'm already mastering the cars throwing. And I know you've seen my best magic trick when I stole your hat right from your head without notice!" I stated. And I knew he was blown away from that trick. I have a picture of his face to prove it. "And Uncle Mckey, I know you don't want to stop your gigs just to teach a young girl your #1 passion. But if you think about it, you're not really stopping your career, just perfecting it because you're refreshing your mind on the basics and going from there. And when you think I'm ready. I can perform with you! We can make more money!" I knew he couldn't resist not getting more money because he likes to provide more than we need. Again, he had his thinking face on. It sometimes made me freak out but right now I was only anxious to see if he would let me in on the magnificence of mentalism. He smiled widely and his face brightened up, "Sure pumpkin. I'll start teaching you the basics tomorrow." "Yay!!! Thank you Uncle Mckey! You won't regret it!" I jumped up and down, clapping my hands like a 5 year old. People stared at me but I didn't care. The sugar rush I had from the ice cream was making me do this.
~flashback over~

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