Monologue (Boys)

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Here you guys go a monologue! This monologue is dramatic, that doesn't mean crying. It means this monologue is suppose to give people the feels rather then make laugh. So, give them the feels guys. GIVE THEM THE FEELS!!! I put some pointers in parenthesis just in case you needed some help since I didn't post a vid of an actor preforming it.



I think I've made a big mistake.

I'm afraid memories are as much my enemy as they are yours.

I am remembering something...(Look straight but, pretend your in a daze, like a flash back) Something I wanted to forget (act confused,not really confused, just slight confusion) 
I was in a car accident...
I was drag racing. Right out there.


(Close your eyes, like your afraid, open them)  

(Talk slightly faster, let your eyes wander like your experiencing it all over again.)

We came up on a curve. I cut the other guy off. There was this truck. Both of us swerved into each other and then the truck hit us...

(Upset. He stops. Then he turns angry)

I shouldn't remember... I can't. I must(Change must to can't) stop remembering.


(Bang your fist, on your head a little, walk in a circle or pace) No, don't remember, please. We can't or we'll be trapped here.

Guilt is a form of memory. Why do I have to feel this way? Make it stop.

(Say it like your in a daze)I don't seem to be able to do anything. My memories are like a weight on my whole body.

(Crouches down as if in pain)

( eyes wide with daze, slight fear) They'll destroy me... And trap me here forever


Encase you guys didn't know, he's not talking about a person destroying him. Hes talking about the memories.

Thanks for reading,

Love you all.

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