Chapter Nine: Protector

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A/N: A bunch of things have happened since I last saw all of you, but that's no excuse for me updating this writing series almost two freakin' years later. I'm lazy as all heck and I'm working on that. And I want to offer my sincerest apologies for putting you all through the too-long wait. But that doesn't matter anymore. I just want to say to all of my lovely readers, particularly the ones that have waited almost two years for this next part, thank you so much for your patience and for your support of this x Reader fic❤! You guys are all such lovely people and you deserve a better author-chan in the future. You all have kept me going with your likes and your comments, and I can't ever express how much it means to me that you all took the time to read my first fanfiction 😙😊! This one is for all of you 😄. I hope it's up to snuff and satisfies some of that thirst for Mikoto Suoh x Reader action 😘

    'Drip, drip, drip,' the monotonous, persistent sound of water dropping onto the floor of your cell perforated your hearing, the only noise that your ears had heard for a solid week.

    You'd think such a high-tech facility would have a handle on the leaks, but apparently, that wasn't the case here.

    You brought your sweater in closer to your figure, your loose shackles allowing you to do so (they knew you wouldn't attempt an escape in your current condition), trying to retain some semblance of heat in the frigid temperature of the room. You had a few blankets, courtesy of the Blue King. However, they provided very little coverage and were made of thin material. So in order to keep your thoughts not focused on your less than desirable quarters, your mind drifted to your happy place, where your happiest memories were kept.

    You remembered the last day your birth father gave you a hug. It was a warm, sunny day in July. Your dad was sweaty, but he still smelled like the sickeningly sweet candy he worked with every day at his treat shop. A small smile pulled at your mouth.

    You recalled the day Maiko became your friend. You'd been in your favorite bookstore and there was only one copy left of the book you wanted. You both reached for it at the same time. However, you realized you could just check it out at the library, so you let her take it. But she decided to strike up a conversation with you, considering your shared love for the same series. Thus your close friendship was born. The corners of your shining (e/c) eyes crinkled in mirth thinking of it.

    You then thought of the time Tatara taught you how to make different shapes with your Aura, specifically butterflies. After all, you wanted to know how to use your other power for something other than fighting. The beaming smile of pride he gave you when you succeeded warmed your heart, even to this day.

    One other memory sprang to mind, albeit a bittersweet one: your first kiss. It was rushed, impulsive, but man, oh so sweet. Mikoto might be lazy in many other aspects of his life; kissing certainly wasn't one of them. His caring nature shined through in the way he caressed your face with such gentleness as your mouths danced in tandem (once realization had dawned upon you, that is). Your lips tingled in remembrance, your fingers brushing along their chapped surface. You only wished that kiss could have lasted longer.

    Alas, life had different plans for you. You were reminded of these "plans" when you heard the distinct squeal of your prison door being opened and one of Scepter 4's members stepped through it, forcing your attention back to cold, harsh reality.

    Lieutenant Awashima followed after, the same hard, placid look on her face as she stepped closer to your huddled, shivering figure.

    You felt as if you deserved the miserableness of the cold. After all, you had murdered someone. Every punishment you received from here on out would be justice for your crime, especially the punishments you inflicted on yourself.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2018 ⏰

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