#1. Rock Climbing

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"I feel like doing something fun today." You say as you lay on the couch, your head on Harry's lap as he braids your hair into hundreds of tiny braids.

"Why? Am I not fun enough?" You look up at Harry's face to see him smirking.

"You are but I just wanna do something reckless." You say. "How about we go rock climbing?!" You bolt up into a sitting position and ask excitedly.

Harry groans. "Just say it you don't want me to braid your hair." He jokingly narrows his eyes and feigns an angry expression.

You smile and kiss him lightly on his lips before standing and moving to your room. "Maybe not." You wink but you both know that you love it when Harry braids your hair.

An hour later, you are dressed casually in jeans, a sweatshirt and converse, with Harry wearing the same attire.

You stare at the enormous wall with randomly placed hand and footholds, the top seeming to touch the clouds. "That's high!" You exclaim.

"Not as high as it seems, besides I'll help you climb to the top." Harry reassures you.

"What if I fall?" You ask even though you don't really care, you will not die obviously.

"It's actually quite fun and this will help you from any harm when you fall." Harry says, strapping the harness around your thighs and waist. His hands cautious and soft as he pulls the straps tight.

He then straps himself into the harness and attaches both the harnesses with the rope dangling from the top of the wall.

You place your first few steps with ease and climb halfway to the top effortlessly but after that, the foothold and handholds become wider apart and slippier making it much harder to climb.

"I think I'll just let go, I can't go any further." You call down to Harry over the roar of the wind.

"Baby, we're halfway through, you can't give up now." Harry yells back.

You try to take a step upward but your hand slips making you dangle from only one handhold. Adrenaline rushes through your body and your heartbeat increases even though you know, falling won't hurt you.

Harry's hand reaches up to steady you, his hands grip your hips as you regain your balance, making butterflies flutter in your stomach.

Proving yourself to Harry seems very important now, you can't just fall but you have to make it to the top and make Harry proud of you.

Adrenaline pumping, heart racing, heavy breathing and a few minutes later, you reach the top. A buzzer sounds, proving your victory and a second buzzer buzzes making you aware of the fact that Harry is beside you. With you.

You both let go of the handholds and fall down to see a crowd watching and cheering.

Your cheeks are glowing and eyes twinkling as you smile from ear to ear. You hurriedly unstrap the harness from around you and and run towards Harry who is proudly smiling at you, talking to the crowd and telling them that it was your very first time.

"You know, not many people make it to the top on their first attempt." Praises a young man.

You smile and pull Harry in a kiss. He kisses you back like there's no tomorrow, among the hooting and whistling from the crowd. His lips feel soft and warm as he kisses you. You break apart to Harry saying, " I love you."

"I love you too." You answer with him smiling against your lips.

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