#7. Cream

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You make your way to the kitchen, to see Harry's form illuminated by the light from the fridge as he sneakily sprays cream into his mouth, straight from the bottle.

You clear your throat, your hand on your hips as you wait for Harry's startled expression. He knows how you hate him to eat cream straight from the container.

It's in the middle of the night, when you realized that Harry was not in bed with you, you made your way down to the kitchen wearing just your undergarments, pretty sure that Harry would be doing what he's doing now.

Harry stiffens for a second then jumps, turning around and gives a mute gasp.

"Caught you red handed thief." You say, narrowing your eyes.

He lifts his hands into the air, "I couldn't find anything to eat it on." Then he moves closer to you. You can make out a smirk forming on his lips by the faint light from the fridge as he walks closer to you. "But now I do." He whispers, only an inch away from you.

You grab the bottle from Harry's hand then spray a blob onto his cheek. You reach up to lick it clean. "Really?" You raise an eyebrow inquisitively, but with twinkling eyes.

"Yes." He snatches the bottle back, then sprays it onto your neck.

Before he can imitate your act, you sprint away from him with a little scream. You see Harry following you, his eyes shining, and his mouth open in a laugh.

You reach your room and just near the bed, Harry slides his arms around your waist. Just like you planned. He swipes his tongue over your neck, cleaning the cream from there and making ripples of pleasure run through your body.

"Can I eat the cream now?" Harry releases you and asks with a jokingly serious expression.

"You've found something to eat it on, so yeah." You grin.

Harry pushes you so that you fall lightly on the bed. He then climbs over you, his hardened length pulsating over your stomach.

He sprays a line down to your stomach. He moves himself back so that he can reach line of cream with his mouth, the movement causes his bulge to rub against your throbbing pussy, making a feeling of pleasure to run through your spine as you instinctively moan in pleasure.

He bends to clean the cream from your stomach, nibbling and sucking at the area until there is none left.

He then pushes himself further back, and removes your panties then he puts cream onto the exposed area.

He bends again and sucks at your bundle of nerves, gripping your body steady while he pleasures you to stop you from thrashing.

You moan his name, again and again, involuntarily, as he sucks even after the cream is not left. You can feel pressure building in your stomach and maybe Harry also knows that you are about to climax so he draws back.

You gasp at the cold air of his absence hitting your exposed body, making you yearn more for his burning touch.

"The fun has not even started yet, babe." He says cheekily as he pulls a condom from a drawer then pulls it over his length.

Your breathing hitches as he leans in and enters your body, filling you. Completing you like a lost puzzle piece or once a broken heart, now mended.

His pupils are dilated making his eyes seem a very dark shade of jade, as he look into your eyes while thrusting in and out of you.

You push up so you can crush your lips against his as you blend into a blissful kiss. His tongue enters your mouth as it twists with your tongue and you both moan in unison.

His hands are gripping your hips to steady him while yours are gripping his to push him further into yourself, encouraging him. He thrusts deeper and deeper until he hits the perfect spot, the G spot.

Your back arches as you climax and a second later, you cùm as you slump back on the bed with Harry still on top of you.

He thrusts once more until, with a cry of you name with pure pleasure, he comes and slumps beside you.

"If this is what my punishment for eating cream from the bottle will be then you'll find me doing it everyday." Harry says huskily, with a smile

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