Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: Stupidity

The first thing you all should know is that I am completely and utterly stupid. You all can deny it, but I know it's true, and soon you will too.

Soon you will all know just how guilty I truly am, and I hope you hate me.

We all tell lies sometimes, right? Well let me tell you about mine.

Because my lie is the whole reason I'm talking to you right now. And it involves two boys, two boys and their large group of friends.

I am of course talking about Evan Fong and Jonathan Dennis, the absolute best of friends, they were nearly inseparable. They told each other everything, and when they shared secrets with each other, they never told a single soul.

I'll confess this right now, before I truly start to tell you all what happened, what exactly I did. I had always been jealous of their friendship, because people hate what they can't have, and I could never have what those two had. A close, undeniably special, nearly perfect friendship. And I just couldn't stand that.

So what did I do? I ended it.

So let me start my story again, right from the beginning, and I won't spare you a single detail. But when we're done here, when I've finished speaking and am standing here as you all stare at me, like I'm gonna say more, I want you all to do something for me.

I want you to yell at me, to call me a bitch, to say just how horrible I am, to kick me out of this place because I deserve it.

I want you all to hate me.

So where was I? Oh yeah, I remember.

Once upon a lie.

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