What a mess.

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The pace of the music started to become faster. 

Everyone started to get out of each others embrace but Dan didn't seem to let go just yet. 

It was only when people started to dance and made clear that we were standing in their way that he let go of me.

'Got distracted by my thoughts a bit, didn't notice that the music has changed!' He said, laughing.

'Yeah, me neither..' I said. 

Which ofcourse was a massive lie, but he didn't need to know that. 

We stood in the middle of the dance floor, standing still. 

'You wanna go grab a few drinks?' He said after a while, definitely feeling as awkward as I felt.

'Great idea, let's go'

We went over to the bar and drank another few beers and some vodka shots.

The awkward atmosphere had dissapeared, probably due to the alcohol. 

We talked and laughed about some childhood memories and soon, we were standing on the dance floor again. 

We stayed until almost everyone had left, terribly drunk. 

We finsihed our last beer and started to make our way home.

'Tonight has been a lot of fun' Dan said, walking up the stairs to our appartments.

'Yeah, it has. Definitly what I needed.'

I felt slightly light headed when I arrived at my door. 

After a few attempts I managed to get my key in the keyhole and open the door. 

I turned around to say goodbye to Dan. 

He was standing at his door trying to get his door unlocked. 

Well, I thought I was drunk, but he was definitly worse. 

I went over to help him. 

'Let me try or you won't be getting in any time soon.' I said, grabbing his key.

I opened the door. 'Here you go'

'Thanks Steph, I really don't know what I would do without you.'

'Probably sleeping in the hallway or something.' 

He laughed. 

'I really had a great time tonight, I probably said it a few times by now' He started

'Yeah, you did' I laughed

He came closer and grabbed my arm with his right hand. 

'You looked beautiful tonight and if you weren't my best friend, I would probably kiss you right now.'He mumbled 

It didn't really got to me clearly, it must be due to the alcohol. 

I know he was way too drunk to actually mean what he said, he probably would not even remember it in the morning. 

But his words moved me in big ways. I couldn't ignore those feelings anymore, especially not in this state.

'I can pretend not to be your best friend for a while if you want.'

I regretted it from the moment I said it. 

But even before I could think of a way to talk myself out of it, his hands grabbed my face.

He stared into my eyes for a few seconds, and then pressed his lips on mine. 

My heart was pounding hard as I felt the warmth of his soft lips. 

He deepened the kiss and moved his hands through my hair. 

I couldn't do anything else then follow his lead. 

I got overwhelmed by his touch, my head was spinning. 

This felt perfect. 

After what felt like too short, our lips parted, both catching our breath. 

He leaned in for another kiss but I pulled back. 

As much as I wanted his lips to touch mine again, it was for the best to end this now I still could. 

He wasn't aware of what he was doing, this didn't mean anything to him. 

So when he'll wake up tomorrow morning, not remembering a single thing he will just continue with whatever he does in life.

It will be me who ends up getting hurt. 

Damage has already been done, but I shouldn't make it any harder than it already is. 

'Go to sleep, Dan. I'll see you when we're sober.' I said, pushing him gently into his appartment

He mumbled something I couldn't understand, gave me a kiss on my forehead and closed the door behind him. 

I went to my appartment, took off my dress, put on my pyjamas and laid down on my bed, staring at the cealing. 

What a mess. A big big mess. 

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