Chapter Five

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My next flashback was a video I made with everybody--Kian, Andrea, JC, Kat, Sadie, Connor, and Ricky.

We walked into Walmart and said song lyrics to random people. Not sang, said.

We went to every big department store in the area, and everyone's reactions were different. Some people said song lyrics back to us, some looked at us funny and walked away, some steered clear, and one or two even called security.

That was one of the best days I had in LA, and it was really fun seeing what people did. All of us posted the video on our channels, and our subscribers loved it. They thought it was hilarious and wanted to try it themselves.


This was the most recent memory. After I thought back to this, I was almost ready to make my decision.


But I still had one question to ask myself, and this question could make or break my relationship with both of them.

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