Curiosity killed the cat

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They say curiosity killed the cat, why? Did it go out of the house and come face to face to a huge dog which bit it and let it bleed to death? Did it try to enter a mouse hole and got bitten by the rat which had rabies and got it too and died? Did it try to see what was on the other side of the road? Maybe. No one knows. Well, in my case, reading a book that clearly states,"DO NOT READ" is going to kill me.

As I brought the book under the sunlight, I realised that it looked monstrous. There were paint marks of black and red paint all over it, the cover was peeling off, mould growing and silverfish crawling about. Even though it was so gross, some force drew me to the book, it was like I was addicted even before reading it.

I flipped open the book, the pages were old, yellow and tearing. I had to be gentle in order not to break it. On the cover page read," DO NOT READ" But I ignored the warning. Instinct pulled me towards the words, but another force was repelling the words.

And that attracting force won, I flipped to the next page. It was sort of an introduction of the author. His name was Albert Franklin, he was born in the 1900s, that was like so many years ago, and he started writing in 1936. No wonder the book was in this condition, it was scarier than a horror movie.

He says," I see things that nobody else sees." The next page, he drew this weird thing. It was nearly all black, a few strands of hair on its head. It reminded me of that thing I saw in my room...

It bore a really striking resemblance, except, this thing had tentacles emerging from its back.

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