Difference in guys/girls in a relationship

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You know the sayings, ‘girls rule; boys drool’, ‘Men are from Mars; Women are from Venus’, and all that jazz. Let’s face it, guys and girls will always be different, even in relationships. Boys are tough, immature, and slightly perverted. Girls are sugar, spice, and everything nice.  Although, today we’re going to focus on guys and girls in relationships.

Not every boy or girl is the way I described. The same could apply to relationships. However, today we’re going based off of the ‘norm’.

I asked around Wattpad and few of my friends on how they think guys and girls differ in the love department. Some refused to be helpful, like my friend and fellow Wattpadder, PrettyLittleBianca. She simply shrugged and said, “It depends…”

In truth, I don’t think she finished her sentence. ‘It depends’ does work in this particular piece!  Also, she is rather correct. It does depend, not only on the gender or person, but even the situation.  We won’t get into that just yet because everyone is different.

Here are some quotes that I got from a forum I posted.

“Well, my answer is that guys think that girl are troublesome in a relationship cause girls always ask the guy to drive them everywhere but my bf always says that he doesn’t mind so it's all good. In my opinion I think guys are weird and the way they can be extremely sweet and nearly girly that they are gay like one time. Then the next moment, they're all macho and you’re huffing and puffing at how uncaring they sound.” – xXSweEtFuNkXx

I think she has a point here, since she is in an actual relationship. Plus, she proved my point. Girls will never understand guys as much as they understand about girls.  Ladies, do you ever notice the boys acting oddly as this Wattpader has stated?  I do!

_NaughtyFoxxy also agreed by stating this comment, “Boys are weird, because they can be completely two different people around their friends, and around you, y'know? They can be totally sweet and funny to you like you're the most precious gem in their world, and the next moment when 'the Guys' come to hang out with him, he forgets absolutely everything.

I think the guys find us complicated because we demand a lot...and they just wanna layback. They don't understand why we fuss so much about our looks. They don't understand why we find somebody who plays videogames all day, in their room, under a blanket, gross.

This guy I dated hissed at sunlight when I tried to drag him out... And they call us complicated.

Why do you think I'm single? XD”

Perhaps the reason for boys becoming ‘macho’ is because of their friends like _NaughtyFoxxy has told us. In which, more often than not, is the true reason. It’s even in a song! For example, Miley Cyrus’s hit from way back then, “7 Things” included a line that goes … “Your friends they're jerks
and when you act like them.”

Now this particular Wattpadder did my job for me, by blessing us with his comment:

“It's a bit complicated on both sides. @NaughtyFoxxy Boys will be boys. Nothing can change that. @jazzstardust well, both sides have standards. Girls will never understand boys and vice versa. In relationships, usually the happy couple tries to adapt to each other’s style. Both can be possessive at times, but jealousy only proves he or she cares about you. If the emotions get a bit too deep, he will do virtually anything for you, head over heels.

The main differences between the two are that girls seem to want to enjoy the journey. She wants to one day remember these kinds of things and cherish every moment. On the other hand, guys are more solution based, meaning their focus will be on achieving the goal.” - Editosaurus

Can I say a job well done to this guy?

I also like the whole ‘head over heels’ thing; maybe that’s just my inner romantic talking! Although, I will not say his main difference is set in stone because, well… everyone is different. We all have our opinions, I just happened to like his.

Now, let’s lay out the common differences I found.

Girls: are demanding, love struck, say one thing when they mean another, emotional, over-think, and we worry about our relationships…a  lot.

Boys: Carefree, ‘go-with-the-flow’ attitudes, protective, at times ‘jerkish’, and yet… really sweet? 

Tell me what you think some more differences are and help us add to our on-growing list! Maybe someday we can figure out the mystery of the opposite sex. As for now, we’ll stick with men are from Mars, women are from Venus.  Men are from Detroit and women are from Paris.  Or like my friend, Zoey would say, “Boys grow from the ground, when girls fall from above.”

I like that saying.

Here are more quotes.

"What I see around me in teens: Guys try to get into them as much as possible, they don't wait for the right girl, and they do it because of peer pressure, wanting to have sex, or because they're insecure. They're easily temped into cheating, and they really have a hard time staying with it, and they don't know what they want. I blame the way the guys were raised, and their immaturity. 

Teen girls are a bit slower in the relationship department, they know what they want but they're easily side tracked by other guys, who may be harmful to them. They crush HARD, and when they are broken up with then, it like kills them inside.

They are generally much less tempted then guys are, but they plan too long term. After a month of dating, this girl wants to spend the rest of her life with you, where guys look much closer term. Since they crush much harder, they become blinded by love, and can stay in love for years without much personal contact. Guys need constant human contact to stay faithful. “– Alex

“I think guys in our teens, are more 'go-with-the-flow'. We just want to say we have a girl, a pretty one too. We're not too serious about it. Girls are really serious about it. They always want us to make the first move. Like kiss, or hold their hand. Girls are complicated too." – Rob

"The guys are more carefree, though they get protective when they’re out in public with their girlfriend. With girls, it’s a lot tenser; they worry about themselves and their boyfriend."—SavannahKWinters, wattpad.

 By: Jazzstardust

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