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I stood up and wore my clothes. I grabbed my towel and went to the bathroom to have some shower and after I'll cook my breakfast.

As Finished my shower I quickly wear my usual clothes that I wear inside the house. I'm not getting out,  Zion don't allow me to. I don't like to go out too tho.

As I was cooking my breakfast, a memory came across my mind again.

How did we start as a fuck buddy and what is the contract all about.

'I woke up feeling Zion's breath fanning my face. It's morning but his breath isn't that bad. Hmmm

I was startled when my phone suddenly rang and that woke him up.

I grrabbed my phone on the side table and answered the call without looking at the caller.

"Yeah?" I answered.

"Hey baby~ i love you! Sorry. I'm sorry on what you saw on your apartment. She--- she seduced me baby! I'm really sorry. If only you gave me one more chance." The caller said on the other line, now I know who called, it's my fucking ex.

I rolled my eyes and I frowned that made Zion looked at me confused. I ended the call without listening on his reasons.

"Who's that?" He asked.

I just shrugged. "My ex" i answer timidly.

"Ah..haha the one who have sexing his ex at your apartment?" He asked.

"Yeah, by the way, how'd you know?"

He just shrugged. "Sources?" He answered.

"Don't tell me you hired a---" i said but he cut me off by saying "maybe?" He said.

I stood-up and crossed my arms.

"Why did you-----" i was about to shout at him but i saw him smirked.

"What do you think you're doing? Do you want me to eat you up for breakfast? Hey lady you're naked infront of me." He said that made me blushed.

I cursed a million times on my head as i looked down my body, fuck I'm naked.

I quickly grabbed the blanket and covered my body.

"Yahhh don't ever think about doing that!" I said and went far from him.

He chuckled with his husky voice. "I'm just kidding, unless you want me to." He said and smirked.

I glared at him. "No" i uttered.

"Haha okay." He said and stood up with only his boxer on. Wtf?

But before he can get out, my phone rang again. I ran to see my ex's call, i don't wanna answer it anymore huhu.

"Yah Zion! Can you do me a favor?" I asked him.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Can you pretend to be my boyfriend just for now? I want him out of my life. Please." I pleaded.

He smirked. "But in one condition." He said.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Just do this!" I answered quickly without thinking, I'm just too desperate.

"Okay." He said and answered the call.

He went out of the room still talking to the one who called.

After a few minutes he came back.

"He won't bother you anymore" he said and I sighed in relief.

"But, we still have the conditions." He smirked again.

I gulp, "wh-what is it?" I stuttered. I hope it's not that bad.

"Be my fuck buddy" he said that made my mouth agaped open.

"You don't want to? Okay I'll call him again and I'll said that it's just your plan" he said was about to call my ex again.

"Yah yah yah! Okay okay. I'll be!" I shouted and pouted. Now I have no choice. Aish

"Good. And we only have one rule. No falling inlove" he sternly said.

I smirked. "As if I would" i said proudly.

"Good to know" he uttered, "Get some clothes on my cabinet and go shower. You will be living here starting today." He said.

I whinned. "Yah Zion! Mom doesn't know about this!" I answered.

"I already told ma that you're living with me, because your apartment is already rented by someone. And ma knows where bestfriend so it doesn't matter for them." He said, and i was like.. jawdropped.

"And by the way, go drink pills. Get on my drawer. You don't want to be pregnant at your age right now right?" He said.

"Ne!" I answered and get some pills and drank it afterwards i went to get some clothes and towel and went for shower. '

I sighed. My food is cooked and prepared it on the table.

And i ate alone. Hays I'm used to it.

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