A Arrows Heart

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A black heart

Who many knew survived

More horrors than joys.

A heart once red and warm

Was striped apart to its core.

Once red now black

Once throbbing now stone still

Once living now dead.

{A single heart waiting.

A single arrow racing.}

A red arrow

Traveling along on its own

Hasn’t yet found its mark.

An arrow travels alone

Fired free with no direction.

Left in a quiver never to leave

Then selected quickly

For a deadly shot to another.

A black heart waiting to be saved

An arrow searching for its mark.

Two stories of two beings

One who saves another

The other finds a purpose.

Imagine the scene

Where black hearts

Are lonely.

Where arrows are never

Given their mark to find.

A heart needs to live

An arrow must find a mark

Only the arrow can find the broken heart.

The arrow must pierce the heart

The heart must let the red spread.

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