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Another day. Another dream. This host feels different to me than the others when I wear it. Heavier. Pulled down by gravity and…weightier forces.

The body I’m wearing feels liquefied, face down and stinging the concrete. I gurgle into a pool of my own blood, which floods away from me, spreading outward on the sidewalk. I hear the din of confused and anxious voices around me and a faint siren wailing from afar. A voice above me says, “Not much I can do for him now.” I try to mumble to the voice but both my tongue and jaw feel thick and slurpy. Everything is dim, although I know it should be light, and then the world is soon washed away by my tears of blood. 

I have a hard time shaking these dreams when I wake up. It’s like they are with me now, infecting me until I write them down and get them out of my system.

It’s more than that. I can't shake the feel of their bodies, not only their particular way of moving but also how it feels to be inside their skins. Right now my legs feel broken and jelly and will probably feel like this for quite some time to come.


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