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2. Questions.

I hate people who question everything you do. Like you say a simple answer and they want to know your life story. Prime example; I said to this girl 'Don't even worry about it.'

This is the true things she said:

'What should I not worry about?'

'What's the hidden meaning in that?'

'What do you even mean by that?'

'Do I need to worry about it?'

Do keep this in mind that was my second sentence I ever said to her in my life. She bombarded my inbox with those questions my reply was 'Calm down' then she ended up having an argument basically with herself about that one statement I said 'Calm down'.

Another thing is they try to figure out if I'm mentally confused and ask about why I put 'I hate almost everyone' If anything that makes me hate you.

To answer a question I get a lot If you ask me if I hate you I will hate you.

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