Promotion canapé

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Promotion canapé

“I’ve got a feeling you’ll tell me either way.” If this was game time, I was ready. I felt strangely protective of Lucy and I vowed that whatever big — or sleazy — revelation Mrs Henderson would make, it wouldn’t matter.

“You lived in France, right?” She leaned back in her chair and crossed one leg over the other. Annabelle really had done her homework. “So you must be familiar with the term promotion canapé.”

“I see it in action every single day at work.”

A fake giggle bubbled in her throat. “Of course.” Her tone was so calm and her voice so steady. The whole scene seemed so premeditated. “You think Annabelle is the big expert.” She slanted her body forward so her face was inches away from mine. “But maybe it’s the other way around,” she whispered.

I had no idea what she was trying to say. Adrenalin coursed through my veins and erased all traces of a hangover. All I knew was that Annabelle was a pretty nobody who had to shag board members to get a job as Lucy’s PA. “What do you mean?” I asked while pushing my chair away from her.

“Don’t worry, Lee.” Her tiny blue-green eyes rested on me, refusing to give me a break. “I’m not the one Lucy slept with to get the job.” Without taking her eyes off me, she grabbed a cigarette case from the cupboard behind her. “But I was there.” Finally, she blinked once. “Do you mind if I smoke?” She didn’t wait for my reply to light up. “You see.” She exhaled a first blueish puff. “I really like to watch. It’s sort of…my thing.”

The penny started dropping, slowly but inevitably. I focused on the orange glow at the tip of her fag. Had I somehow landed in a parallel universe where everybody was the biggest slag they could possibly be? Was this an alcohol-induced fever dream? A nightmare I couldn’t wake up from?

“And trust me,” she continued. “It was quite a show.”

Annabelle didn’t sleep with Mrs Henderson. She let her watch. It made perfect sense. Then the images exploded in my brain. Annabelle and Lucy, in this apartment, Lynette Henderson peering at them the way she did at me now.

“If you have any trouble picturing it, let me help you.” She stood up and walked to the television set in the lounge area. She grabbed a remote and pressed a button — ‘play’ I presumed. It was nothing compared to the images crowding my mind a moment earlier. There was nothing reluctant about it. It was full-on action, Lucy on top and Annabelle panting below her.

“Turn it off, please,” I said. “I think I’d better go.”

“Thanks for stopping by, Lee.” Lynette paced towards me and, before I had a chance to pull away, took my hands in hers. “And remember who’s really in charge at BTG.” I tried to break free, but she tugged at my fingers. “I do hope Annabelle brings you back here some time.”

What a world, I thought when I stormed down the stairs. What a dirty bloody mess of a world. Then I saw Annabelle’s face in the video again, all twisted and red with desire, and I knew it would haunt me for a long time. I searched for my phone in my pocket and tried calling Lucy again, this time she picked up.

“What’s the great emergency, Lee? Can’t find the aspirin?”

To be continued…

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