The music in us-Chapter one

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Hey there! 

Here's the first chapter!

Delicated to Kila for the awesome cover and banners! Oh and Im going to add the song for the chapter soon. By this week. I promise.

Oh, by the way, here in Singapore, school starts at 7.30. I know, i know,  it's awful right? Anyways, I grew up waking up at 6 preparing for school, so im used to it.

Now, enjoy!!


“Say something,” the doctor instructed as he removed the tongue depressor from my mouth. I tried, but nothing would come out. The doctor turned to my mom with a grave face. “Do you mind if we could speak outside the room?” That’s never good.

I was in really big trouble. I couldn’t even talk, let alone try to sing.  My mum came back into the room with the look of a sad puppy plastered across her face. She shook her head in dismay as she looked at me. I didn’t want to hear bad news, but I knew it was coming. “Tessa, Sweetie,” my mom began slowly. “The doctor wants to do more tests, he’s not exactly sure what the problem is, but he says it could be Dysphonia.” I looked at her quizzically. “It’s a condition that causes impairment in the ability to produce voice sounds using the vocal organs-”

The rest that my mom said was irrelevant to me and I went numb from shock. I jumped off the hospital bed, bolted through the room door and down the hall with my mom calling after me to come back. I couldn’t lose my voice, it was all I had! I had no sense of where I was going, my brain was telling me that I was still in the hospital room, but a loud honk from a car coming straight for me.

No I was never going back. I could never sing again. I ran and ran and ran. Suddenly, I heard a honk. I stopped in my tracks. I turned and looked around. There was a car, a big car, it was coming towards me. It's going to--

“Tessa, Tessa, wake up!” Elowyn hit me lightly with her pillow. I was almost awake when she shouted into my ear again. “Tessa, if you don’t get up right now I’m going to hit you again!” I groaned and covered my face with my pillow. “Tessa, remember, you asked for this!” She slammed the pillow against the pillow that covered my face.

“Hey,” I shouted as I sat up in my bed and slammed my pillow against her temple. “What was that for?”

“Pillow fight!” Elowyn shouted as she hit me again.

“Oh, it’s on!” I shouted as I hurled another pillow straight for Elowyn’s face. Elowyn caught it and threw it and another pillow back at me as I tumbled off the bed. We both giggled in hysteria as we pummeled each other with pillow after pillow. Feathers and pillow fabric burst from the pillows the longer we raged our pillow war, and Elowyn and I were covered from head to foot in it.

“What’s going on here?” Elowyn’s father shouted over our barrage of pillows. Elowyn and I looked up into his kind face. “Did World War three break out in here? C’mon girls, you’re going to be late for school.”

Elowyn smacked me with a pillow one more time for good measure and with a giggle, guided her father out of her room, and then shut the door behind him. I ran around the room throwing on my clothes, squealing with urgency. Elowyn stared at me from her comfy seat on her bed with a huge grin upon her face. “What! What is it? Why aren’t you getting dressed?” I yelled at her as I scrambled to put on my shoes.

“Erm, Tessa… it’s Saturday,” she said as she burst into a fit of giggles.

“Wha-, Saturday?” I looked at her clock, and it was a beautiful Saturday in January. I plopped back onto the bed and threw the covers over my head. “Well, I’m going back to sleep then!”

“Well, choir meeting isn’t that long away, Tessa. You might as well stay up.” Elowyn said, throwing the covers off of me.

I groaned as the sunlight filled my face with its glow. “Aw man! I forgot about choir practice today.” I always stayed at Elowyn’s house for the weekends, it was much better than my house; my parents are just so boring. My parents constantly nagged me and jumping down my throat for every little thing. Elowyn’s parents are really lenient and trust Elowyn and I .

I spent the next half an hour reading my favorite book. I loved reading, unlike most of the children in my grade, and The Hunger Games had become one of my favorite books. Pretty much the only difference between Elowyn and I is that she love dancing besides for singing, and I love swimming.

 Between swimming and reading, my favorite past time is singing. I have choir practice on Saturdays, and when Elowyn attended her dancing lessons on Sundays, I had swimming lessons. Time flew by as I fell more deep into my book, and too soon, Elowyn was stripping me away from my book and we began to get ready for our choir rehearsal.

We’re more than neighbors, we’re best friends. Within fifteen minutes, we had our choir robes on and our hair made up, ready to walk out the door. Elowyn went to look for her father, Mr. Tay, to get the car ready while I dashed next door, back home to grab my choir meeting bag.

“Bye Mum, Bye Dad!” I called out into the quiet abyss that was my home.

“Bye Sweetie,” I heard my mum yell back at me from somewhere in the back of the house, “hope your meeting goes well!”

“C;mon, Tess, Mr. Zu would seriously kill us if we were late again!” Elowyn shouted from the front seat of her dad’s car. “Quick dad, floor it!” I ran and jumped in as Mr. Tay sped off down the road.


Well, for the first chapter, I thought I give them some girl-bonding time, or just some insight in their crazy friendship.

I hope it's not too long for a start.

I've decided to do book recommendation for each chapter.. and for this chapter, The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins.

Here's the summary I got from Goodreads, copied and pasted: (

"In the ruins of a place once known as North America lies the nation of Panem, a shining Capitol surrounded by twelve outlying districts. The Capitol is harsh and cruel and keeps the districts in line by forcing them all to send one boy and one girl between the ages of twelve and eighteen to participate in the annual Hunger Games, a fight to the death on live TV. 

Sixteen-year-old Katniss Everdeen, who lives alone with her mother and younger sister Primrose, regards it as a death sentence when she steps forward to take her sister's place in the Games. But Katniss has been close to dead before — and survival, for her, is second nature. Without really meaning to, she becomes a contender. But if she is to win, she will have to start making choices that will weigh survival against humanity and life against love."

Sounds interesting? If you think you'll like it, then try reading it.  I don't know about you, but I reealllly love this book! And the trilogy. And, it's been made into a movie. It's premiering on 23 March 2012. Also, for any THG fan/tributes out there, hiii!! (: LOL

Anyways, do give constructive criticism if you have any, and awesome comments!! =D =P hehe ^^

I hope you've enjoyed the first chapter!!!

Till then, peace.

-Grace and Dylaine (Her page in in the external link)

The music in usМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя