TMIU-chapter 3

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Hi! I had writer's block!

Ok, not gonna rant! 

Here~~ : 


Ellie and I were celebrating the great news from choir rehearsal in her room when we got home when her mum called us for dinner. We squealed all the way to the dinner table. Ellie began to inhale her food and moaning in pleasure from the great taste.

“Oh mum,” Ellie said with a full mouth, “this is oishi!”  [Oishi means delicious; yummy, etc in Japanese!] Oishi was an understatement; Mrs. Tay was the best cook I knew. She could have your taste buds dancing in delight from the pure taste of her cooking. When Ellie and I told her parents of the great news we got from choir practice this morning, Mrs. Tay immediately invited my parents over for a small victory celebration.

“What a great spread, Dear!” Mr. Tay declared, admiring the food Mrs. Tay had lain out on the table. Mrs. Tay had made curry chicken rice and tuna pasta salad, shrimp meatballs, pork cutlets and spicy chicken wings, just to cover everyone’s tastes. The rice had such an wonderful aroma that I could almost swear that my stomach was already growing three times its size. Right in the middle of the table was a massive hotpot of vegetable stew and Ellie and my favorite dessert of all time, strawberry omlette!

“Eat up everyone,” Mrs. Tay announced. “and make sure you leave room for dessert!”

“You don’t have to tell us twice!” Ellie and I said in unison and dug in.

About  20 minutes later, desert was served.

 "Alright everyone! I found these on the net. They are lychee cake and banofee pie! Give it a try!" Mrs Tay came out of the kitchen holding two trays of desert.

And I forgot to mention, this is Mrs Tay's idea of a small celebration. So, imagine birthdays and graduations! The food could feed at least half of my class in school!


The weekend flew by quickly and soon, it was Monday morning. News about the show coming to tape the choir spread like a wildfire. The principal had made an announcement about it over the intercom, but everyone already knew way before then. The school was buzzing with excitement.

Pretty soon, Ellie and I found ourselves surrounded by children we had never even spoken to before encouraging and congratulating us. Even the teachers found it hard to teach throughout the day.

Whenever the teacher would try to speak, someone always turned it around to the show and its anticipated arrival and a discussion would ensue. Eventually, the teachers just gave up and let us gossip and chatter about the show. As long as we kept the noise to a minimum, the teachers would let us continue.

After a week of this, the school calmed down a little and lessons were back to normal. Exams came and went, and before we knew it, February was amongst us. The hosts of Musical Students Today would be coming soon, and the school was all abuzz yet again.


 Ok first, I know this is much shorter than before. That's cos im having writer's block.... ><

As for the the recipies... My mum tried them last weekend! They are awesommmeee!!!

I put their link into a free text host. Here's the link:

It's in the external link too, just in case.

My idea for the port cutlets came from Toradora! and the hotpot, School Rumble! OKOK. Yes i'm hungry...

Ideas for food came from my parents! Who are baking some sort of muffin now~!!

Story recommendation for this chapter: Small town sinners by Melissa C Walker

Lacey Anne Byer is a perennial good girl and lifelong member of the House of Enlightenment, the Evangelical church in her small town. With her driver's license in hand and the chance to try out for a lead role in Hell House, her church's annual haunted house of sin, Lacey's junior year is looking promising. But when a cute new stranger comes to town, something begins to stir inside her. Ty Davis doesn't know the sweet, shy Lacey Anne Byer everyone else does. With Ty, Lacey could reinvent herself. As her feelings for Ty make Lacey test her boundaries, events surrounding Hell House make her question her religion.

From  : Till then, see u guys!

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