Chapter 1: Back At The Academy

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Author's Note: Heehee! I'm back with another Naruto fanfic :D This is gonna be one of my first Naruto fanfics. About the romace of my OC and Shika ;) hehey. I'm keeping this A/N short so I don't bore you to death.

Chapter 1: Back At The Academy

Normal P.O.V.

"Hey guys! Did you hear? We've got a new classmate today!" Kiba shouted in front of everyone.

Akamaru barks in response.

"R-really?" Hinata Hyuga managed to stutter out.

"What a drag..." Shikamaru Nara complains.

"Nom nom nom." Choji Akimichi savouring every single chip.

"That's awesome! Believe it!" Naruto Uzumaki's enthusiasm fails to surprise us all.

"If it's a girl, then I hope she doesn't steal my Sasuke." Sakura Haruno crosses her arms together.

"You mean MY Sasuke, forehead!" Ino Yamanaka retorts.

"Hn..." Sasuke Uchiha remains stoic with his mindblowing vocabulary.

"..." Shino Aburame remains silent.

Then at once, chatter erupted from each one talking about everything and anything but mostly about their new classmate.

"Alright class!" Iruka-sensei barged into the classroom. "First, I'd like to welcome our new student."

"Come in." Iruka-sensei gestured for the new student to come in.

The door opened revealing a lady with white hair and purple eyes. She was wearing a half sleeved fishnet-like shirt, the right portion having no sleeve while the left portion having a sleeve. On the right portion with no sleeve, bandages ended up covering her whole upper arm and her right hand with fingerless gloves. A belt was secured around her waist with a weapons pouch. Her peculiar pants, the right pant leg, only ending up by her thigh like shorts, then bandages reaching a few inches below her knee and her left pant leg reaching her shin. Black silky socklike-cloths covered the rest of the viewable parts of the leg and end up just by the ankles to make room for her sandals.

"Please introduce yourself in front of the class..." Iruka-sensei smiled.

"I am Kageku Roshi." The lady stated with her coolness radiating off.

"Well... hello Kageku! Would you mind telling us a little more about yourself?" Iruka-sensei asked.

She shakes her head slightly.

"Okay..." Iruka-sensei looked strangely at her cool and smooth demeanor.

The class stared intently at their new classmate.

"Please... feel free to choose a seat." Iruka-sensei scratched the back of his head nervously.

The new student was VERY smooth.

The new student made her way to the back of the class ignoring every single invite of a seat, like:

"Come sit here Kageku! Believe it!" Naruto Uzumaki yelled.

"Don't sit near my Sasuke!" Ino Yamanaka said obviously going to start a fight with 'billboard brow' again. (I guess you could say that was an invite to another seat)

"You mean MY Sasuke!" Sakura Haruno protested.

"Hn..." Sasuke Uchiha said simply ignoring everything.

"Why not sit here with me?" Kiba Inuzuka wiggled his eyebrows with a smirk.

"Om nom nom ... You can sit... om nom... here... om nom." Choji Akimichi said in between eating.

She's Not That Troublesome [EDITING]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant