9. Date that's not a Date

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Angie sat at her usual table in Café Hoff, once again waiting for Tom to show up. This time she'd come a little later, just three minutes before four o'clock. And she had no idea why. Because she thought she finally had him figured out.

He was subtle, smart, she'd give him that, but he'd finally done what all guys nice to her end up doing. Put her in a position of inferiority, then asked her out. Sure, he'd claimed it wasn't a date, but then why not take the books at school and be done with it?

Why are you here, then? If you're so sure he's just like everyone else? Good question. She'd just politely return his stuff, thank him for the help, then leave this date that's not a date.

"Hey." Tom appeared by her side, two mugs of coffe in his hands, his skateboard under one foot.

Angie jumped and glared at him. She'd been watching the door again, even if absentmindedly, but she would've seen him. "Where do you keep coming from?"

"You really need to work on your perception." He slid in the seat in front of her and pushed one of the mugs towards her. "I don't know what you like, but the place has a killer latte, so I got you one of those."

She eyed it wearily, then him. He wore a simple black t-shirt today, together with his usual faded, cut-up jeans. And for some reason, she was disappointed there was no more pun. The smell of the coffee made her mouth water. Because she didn't care what it was. Free coffee was free coffee. But she wasn't sure what it meant.

"What, no flowers?" she asked, taking a casual sip. God, he was right. The latte was divine.

"Aw, I guess it's not a date." He took a mouthful of coffee, too, then made a face as he put the mug down.

"What's with the face? The thing is delicious."

"I don't really like coffee," Tom answered, grabbing three packs of sugar off the table and pouring them in his drink. "But I won't deny its merits."

"You like energy drinks, then?" Those things were nasty and disgusting, but a lot of guys thought they were way cooler than coffee.

"Yup. Coffee is more common and easier to get, though."

Not to mention more affordable. Unless it was some seriously fancy coffee. She fleetingly wondered how much a latte cost there, but she couldn't read the price list from where she sat.

Brushing away the thought of how much money Tom had just spent on her, she pulled his notebooks out of her backpack and slid them across the table towards him. "Here you go. Thanks for the help."

"Anytime." He shoved them under the table and pulled another mountain of books out.

"What are those for?" Angie asked shocked.


Oh. He was just starting homework with her there. This really wasn't a date, coffee and all. He probably got it for her not to seem rude. God, he was infuriating. One second she thought he liked her and was actually trying to make a subtle pass, the next he acted like he didn't give a shit she was there.

"I'll be going, then." She drained the rest of her cup, sorry that she couldn't enjoy it properly, but if he didn't want her there, there was no point in staying.

"You could stay and do your homework if you'd like," he said, not raising his eyes from what he was doing.

She hesitated. What was that supposed to mean? He was driving her crazy with his mixed signals. "Nah, I think I'll pass."

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