Chapter 25.

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<Wonwoo's pov>

What happened yesterday? In not so sure myself. When I woke up this morning, everything was a blur. At first I thought it was a dream, I remember Mingyu... confessing to me... oh god I feel embarrassed even remembering it. Now that I think about it, it was definitely very real. It's weird how he gave me time to think about it when I already know the answer.

Even if I have no mood to go to school today since Mingyu is going to 'give me space' I'm probably going to be alone, I have to go to school. I don't want the school to make a fuzz about me skipping school and possibly giving the entire school a lecture about the importance of attending school for an hour or maybe more.

Sighing, I grabbed my bag and made my way to school.


<no one's pov>

Since school started, Wonwoo has been feeling weird and achy all over, especially in his back and neck. He easily shrugged it off as just a bad sleeping position the night before.

It was awful that Mingyu wasn't around. Wonwoo sat with the club members as usual, but I didn't feel right without Mingyu around. Wonwoo didn't eat his lunch, only to sit there silently, reverting back to his old self. If he hadn't though that Mingyu wouldn't be in the cafeteria, Wonwoo wouldn't even be here. Speaking of Mingyu, he was no where to be found during lunch time.

During class, the feeling was getting stronger. Not only was his body aching, he was feeling a little dizzy as well. 'Ill just take a short nap.' Wonwoo thought, resting his head against the table. This is math class which he shares with Jun, his seat mate. Jun being the sharp person he is, immediately noticed something wrong with Wonwoo. Although, he kept quiet and waited until class ended.


"Wonwoo, wake up. Class is over." Jun said, gently patting Wonwoo's back.

"Uhh... alright, I'm up. Give me second to pack."

"Are you okay?" Jun ask. Wonwoo shot him a 'You must be crazy look' before zipping up his bag and swinging it across his shoulders.

"Yea, of course I am. Why would I n-" Wonwoo stood up and immediately, a wave of nausea hit him and he stumbles forward, right into Jun's arms.

"Hey! Wonwoo... Wonw-"

Wonwoo hears jun calling his name, but he isn't sure what for. His eye lids became heavy as lead, 'just let me sleep for a while, I'm tired' he thought before he blacked out.


From: unknown
To: Mingyu
Hey Mingyu, this is jun. Come to the infirmary now. This is urgent.

After receiving this odd text from his senior, he stood there wondering what it was for. Mingyu stared at that text, maybe if he stared hard enough, he would find the answer to his questions?

From: unknown
To: Mingyu
It's Wonwoo.

Just seeing the boy's name was enough to get Mingyu sprinting towards the infirmary.


"IS WONWOO OKAY?" Mingyu yelled as he slammed the door open.


Mingyu is greeted with two pairs of angry eyes with their fingers at their lips, hushing Mingyu.


"What happened?" Mingyu asks.

"He's got a fever." The school nurse Mrs. Kim said while looking at the clip board in one of her hands, the other one constantly clicking a pen.

"C'on, I'll take him home." Mingyu said, walking towards the bed.

"I gave jun here some medicine for Wonwoo's fever. Ask him about the prescription." Mrs. Kim said before walking towards her desk and plopping down on her fancy rotating chair.

"Wonwoo-ah, can you stand?" Mingyu whispered while gently rubbing Wonwoo's arm. Mingyu barely got a weak whimper from the older when Mingyu decided to pick him up and put him on his back.

"Hey, you sure you can make it all the way back like this?" Jun asked.

"Sure I can. This guy is light as a feather!" Mingyu said, grinning at jun.

"Hmm... I'm worried. I'm coming with you. I'll hold Wonwoo's bag." Jun decided as he picked up the light grey bag from the floor.


Oh noooo Wonwoo baby is sick :'(
What do we do? We wait for the next chapter ;)
Hope you've enjoyed this chapter!

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