Meeting soul and maka

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You were walking in death city with your meister (Meister Name) (by the way Meister is a girl) you were a (F/C) war axe you were short you looked like a five year old yet your 13. You bumped into a white haired kid "Hey Watch it!" You said."oh sorry wait are you the new kid at dwma?" "Yeah what's it to ya?" A dirty blonde haired girl walked up and grabbed your hand "You need to get home your parents must be worried sick" you started shouting at her saying "I AM NOT A LITTLE KID I AM 13 YEARS OLD!!" She then was surprised at your sudden outburst and deep-ish voice.
Then you transformed into a axe and (Meister name) grabbed you and challenged them to a duel and the white haired kid transformed into a scythe and the dirty blonde smacked the scythe you then transform back to normal and burst out laughing then you were bonked on the head. "OW WHAT THE HELL?!" You ran off to the DWMA with (Meister name) running after you then she tackled you and "wrestled" you (yeah she likes you) "W-what are you doing" you asked "well I wanted to play with you" (maybe the wrong way (Lenny face)) "well we don't have time class is going to start" you push her off and grab her AND and run into DWMA making right on time...

                        To Be Continued
               Well hope you liked it so far

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