Drip, Drip, Drip

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There was once a girl named Farah. She was 15 and lived with her parents and her trusty and gorgeous golden-furred dog.

One night, her parents were leaving for a special party and wouldn't be back until dawn.

"You'll be okay, won't you, sweetheart?" Her mother had said before she left.
"Yes, Mum," replied Farah for the umpteenth time.
"Okay, well, take care."

And with that, they left.

After watching a few movies on her laptop with her dog beside her, Farah let out a five-second yawn and decided it was time to go to sleep.

Letting her dog sleep on the floor beside the bed, Farah hung her arm down and stroked its soft fur before drifting off into a slumber.

The first thing Farah heard upon waking was that unfamiliar drip, drip, drip.

Probably a leaky faucet, she thought carelessly. But they never had leaky faucets before.
I'll just tell Mum and Dad in the morning.

Before falling asleep again, Farah felt that reassuring lick from her pet, telling her everything was okay.

About 1 hour after that, Farah woke up again, but because that drip, drip, drip she heard earlier on was now louder.

Again, she felt the warm, salivary lick of her dog against her hand. And again, she fell asleep nonchalantly.

Farah awoke again, at 5:00am because her mother was screaming, and her terror-filled voice soon became a fluster of sobs which filled the house.

Startled, annoyed, confused and curious, Farah made her way urgently to where her mother's voice came from - which was the bathroom.

What she saw next would haunt that poor girl forever.

There, hanging from the ceiling was her much-loved dog. The dripping she'd heard all along was his fresh, rich and leaking blood.
And there, put roughly on the mirror, were the terrifying words...

Humans can lick too!

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