Dead in Bed

534 16 4

"Go to sleep," your mum tells you, "It's late."

It's 12:00 and you're studying for that important test the next day. You're tired, but you can't afford to fail this time.

With an irritated sigh, you slam your text books shut and resignedly walk to your bedroom. You share that room with your eight-year-old sister, who' s gone to bed an hour before that.

You both share a bunk bed and she sleeps on the top. She has a strange tendency to sit on her bed whilst asleep, and face the door, feet down ladder. It used to creep you out a lot before, but right now you couldn't care less.

You open the bedroom door, and the first thing you see is your sister sitting on her bed, staring.

"She's asleep," you tell yourself sleepily.

Okay, but why is she staring at you with crimson red eyes?

You move towards your bed, her head follows your movement.

You jump into your bed comfortably.

This time your sister has gotten off her bed and is standing by your bedside, just glaring at you.

"Well, this is new," you yawn.

You didn't notice that something else is new also...she's holding a knife.

You turn over in your bed, eyes closed. You don't want to be disturbed by her.
"Go back to sleep, Sis." Those are your last words, before you feel a little cold body brush against yours.

You open your eyes to see your sister, dead beside you.

You look to the other side, where she was supposed to be standing, but it's too late.

The blood-stained knife was already half-way in the air towards your face.

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