Chapter 3- Kiss me IF you can

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Lola-Rose’s P.O.V.

“Hannah! I want you to flirt with that guy over there, don’t you think he’s, like, totes manifique? And Alex, you’re a flirtin’ machine, girl! I’ll take the guy with the blonde hair.” I commanded, waving cutely at them. “But Lola-Rose, I thought you hated it when I flirt….?” Alex asked, dazed. “Yeah, but that boy is a total cutie!” Hannah smiled, blowing him a sticky lipgloss kiss.

“Girls! I’m giving you a chance to meet up with a guy, have some fun, and enjoy the ride! Don’t you know I care about you guys? Gosh, girls. . Vous êtes mes copines! You’re my fab girlfriends!” I laughed, giving them a quick hug. In a way, that wasn’t totally lying….”After me!” I giggled, as I supermodel-catwalked to the cute blonde. I mean, if I wasn’t already with my Liam-boo, he would have DEFFO been my second choice!

"Hey there." I smiled, putting my pearly-pink manicured hands onto his shoulder. My glossy lips breathed onto his ear. "What's your name?" The blonde guy blushed an EXTREME shade of red not humanly possible, as if he had never even talked to a girl before. Perfect. For all I could have known, he might have been a player! "A-A-Alex." he stuttered. My lips curved into a small smile. 

"You know, I think Alex is a great name. Mm hm. J'adore." I whispered, fluttering my eyelashes as they brushed against Alex's cheek. "Thanks." he said, barely even daring to breathe. Awesome. It was working! But then again, it had never even failed me in the first place!

"So, I hear you're in the campaign to help Rebecca Kingsley win 'Dazzling Diva'? You're sooo helpful, you know." I breathed, kissing his ear softly. It was amazing what my looks could do. "Y-Yeah." Alex stammered again. "So, how would you like to help me instead of nasty old Rebecca, huh? Come on, be a good boy. That's right. You could round up your little team, and you know, help me with a few things?" I persuaded, stroking his strong arms up and down. I could practically FEEL the goosebumps!

Alex just nodded. "Great." I whispered. "Come on girls, let's go! See you later, mon cheri!" I kissed him gently on the cheek and snapped my fingers. The girls instantly followed me.

I could feel the knives stabbing into my back from the glares that the jealous girls watching us were giving me. A few minutes later, Rebecca came striding up to me. "Jeez, what's up with her panties?" Hannah joked. Alex laughed. "I know right?" I just smiled at Hannah. That was a pretty funny joke. Hannah beamed proudly, knowing that I was pleased with her. For now, anyway. L.O.L.!

"You b*tch!" Rebecca shouted, as pushed me. I pushed her back, even harder. "What? Just because Alex picked me instead of you." I pointed out innocently. 'Thanks alot! Sarcasm!" Rebecca said lamely, rolling her eyes. "Ha. Ha. Ha. You. Are. So. Funny. Re-becc-a. I'm just talented! Unlike some people." I laughed, waving my new Blue Givenchi Golden-Chain Bow Clutch in her face. "Yeah, she's just talented! Duh! You are, like, so totes not!" Alex repeated, chewing on her pink strawberrilicious gum loudly. I glared at her and she immediately shut up. "Oh yeah? Let's see about that." Rebecca smiled horribly.

She snatched the bag off me and threw it into the fountain with her stumpy cow arm. "Who's so amazing now? Let's see you swim in that freezing cold fountain and rescue you precious bag now. Come on, we're waiting, Rosie!" I rasied my eyebrows and slapped her. Straight in the face. Rebecca whimpered, but backed off immediately. "Yeah, don't mess with Lola-Rose!" Hannah shouted after her. Hannah. She was definitely the favourite out of my two girls. Alex was just so....un-smart. Not like geeky smart, of course. Just....human un-smart. If you knew what I mean. Then I looked at my poor bag, floating away. I screamed. I mean, what else would a girl do in a situation like this? H-E-L-P!!!

Josh P.O.V. 

Arghhh!!! I didn't find anything I could work with in the past two and a half hours and I practically DROVE AROUND THE WHOLE CITY!!!! Man, why was the film god so unfair to me? Ah, whatever. I walked into the mall, as my sneakers squeaked under my feet on the shiny marble floor. Whoever owned this insanely mall must have been extremely rich! Suddenly, a girl's scream practically burst my eardrums. 

I blinked for a second or two before I heard what she was saying. "Somebody save my bag!!! Come on people!!! Oh my god! My bag!!! Somebody SAVE IT!!!" Instantly I knew who's voice that was, and I had a brainstorm. I coudl make a documentary about Popularity! After all, Lola-Rose Gold was the Popular of the Populars!

I just needed to find a way to talk to her....that's all. Not so easy. Once, Derek tried to flirt with one of Lola-Rose's friends - Allison, I think- and he ended up getting beaten to a pulp by one of Liam's jock friends. Then I saw the bag floating in the fountain on Floor 3. Oh, why did I have to get my sneakers wet?!

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