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I wake up to the sound of birds twittering outside my window. My silky covers fall off me as I glide to my door. It is very cold outside, but that does not keep the birds away. Because of the cold, I do not take of my cape when I pass the coat hooks. Tiptoeing past my parents bedroom, I hear their snores and blankets rustling as they turn over. They must be asleep.

If my dad knew I was sneaking out again, he'd probably shake his head and laugh, telling me I'm the adventurous child he was when he was little, 5 years old, just like me. If my mom knew I was getting out, she'd tell me to be careful, and, oh, put on your coat or you'll catch a cold!

When I open the front door a gush of air that reminds me of icicles topples me over. As I get up, I notice a strange white van parked in front of our garage. My mom and dad never have visitors, unless it's old friends that come in sleek blue cars and bring gifts for us. This van has tinted black windows and the rusty license plate is falling off. Who would have a car like THAT? Is it one of Fynn's, my best friend next door, visitors? I walk towards the van, wondering 'what on earth',as my mom says, could this be?

I examine the dented, rusty doors of the car and find dark ruby blood seeping out from under the crack. My heart starts beating like a drum as I run back, trying to reach the safety of my happy home when I trip over a stone and my necklace gets caught on the rock, chaining me to the ground. Large, muscular hands scoop me up as I let out the loudest scream I can muster before a cold hand is slapped over my mouth and something hits the back of my head.

All goes black.


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