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The ground is all that holds me up as I run and run.

Her face pops into my mind and I push myself harder, allowing my legs to sprint and ache. The trees and forest life rush past me.

My blonde hair cloaks my face as she taunts behind me, "You can't run forever, Iris!"

I stifle a scream and run harder.

I can hear her footsteps crunching on the dead leaves, and I yell, "Leave me alone!"

I can't her her reply, for the ground is whizzing past me. I moan.

I tripped on a tree root.

It was all it took for her to pounce on me and restrain my arms and legs.

She pulls roughly on my shoulder and it pops, followed by a searing pain. I scream, my cries piercing the air like gunshots.

A glint catches my teary eyes, and I realize it is a knife. "No, no, no!"

"Yes," she smiles menacingly. "You will not ruin my family!"

I sob. "No, I won't, just please, I'll go away!"

"I can't take that chance."

And with that she plunges the knife into my stomach.

Light is no longer existent.

There is only darkness.


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