1- Intro

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I'm running, running from a place I used to call home, where everything used to be okay.
It's not anymore. And it never will be.
My chest feels tight as I carry on sprinting away, far away from the small town and into the dark woods. There, I stop, completely out of breath with my lungs feeling as if they are on fire.
Still panting, I shuffle quietly to a tree, the one I know, and grab the branches, climbing up it effortlessly.
A few weeks ago, I had climbed this tree and made it my own. After hours of working on it, there was woven sticks for a floor, and a branch that had many leaves on it served as a ceiling. The walls were the thick branches around it.
I sigh, dragging myself to the corner and taking my coat off, putting it over me. The stars are shining through the gaps in the ceiling, making the situation a little calmer.
However, I know it's only temporary. Nothing's going to be calmer again, not since what's happened at home.
Soon, the temperature drops, and my teeth start to chatter. I pull up my coat a little more, feeling the cold air on my cheeks already.
I have never slept here before. It's gonna be a long night.

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