Part 1: Costumes, Clowns, and Cookies

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All day it had been madness at Lorh. Everyone was missing some part of their costume!

"Where's my cape?!" Rex asked, walking through the room.

"I can't find my shirt!" Kate declared.

"My hat's gone missing!" Argus stated.

"My ribbons have disappeared!" Mars cried.

Luckily, by the time we were supposed to leave at, almost everyone had gotten their costume sorted out.

I came bouncing down the stairs in my wolf costume. I was wearing a furry hood with ears, glove paws, and a tail. In the kitchen, I saw that almost everyone else was dressed and ready to go. Ollie was freaking out and looking for his costume ears

Today was Friday, and Halloween was on a Monday this year, meaning all the good parties would be tonight and tomorrow.

"Found them, Ollie!" Frank found the headband on a table by the door. Ollie was going as a sexy cat.

Rex entered the room, dressed as Batman.

"Nice costume," Frank told Rex.

"Thanks! Oh, what are you going as?" Rex asked him.

"Oh, I'm not dressing up." Frank laughed.

"What? It's a costume party! You have to!" Rex responded.

"Nah, I don't think so..." Frank replied.

Suddenly, I had an idea. Dashing up the stairs, I nearly ran into Kate, who was dressed as Sasha from Attack On Titan, clutching a potato and all.

In my room, I dug through my drawers until I found what I was looking for. A few months back, a friend had asked me to go to a con with her last minute, so I quickly whipped this up so I had a "costume" to wear.

Back downstairs, I handed Frank the headband.

"Wear this!" I told him.

Frank put it on, "what is it?" He asked.

"A plumbob. You're a Sim!" I replied.

"A sin? I don't get it." Frank titled his head.

"No, a Sim. With an M. It's a video game, a life simulator. So all you have to do is wear the plumbob, and you're a sim!" I said.

"Whatever you say..." he shrugged.

Max walked into the room, wearing his costume. Wearing black antennas and a red coat with black spots that covered his back, Max was dressed as a lady bug.

"Ok, that is the cutest thing." Rex stated.

Argus followed Max, dressed as a sexy pirate, to pair with Ollie's sexy cat.

"Where Jack?" He asked.

"Coming, I'm coming!" We heard from the other room. Jack came into the room wearing an Ironman costume.

"Dude, we're like, the superhero squad." Rex declared.

Jack crossed his arms, "Marvel is better."

"No man, DC is where is at." Rex replied with a laugh.

A rainbow blur raced into the room, leaping up on the table. It was Mars! She was wearing a box around her middle, decorated to look like a poptart. Trailing behind the box were a rainbow of ribbons. Mars was dressed as Nyan Cat.

"Are we all ready to go?" Frank asked, and was met with a chorus of meows, barks, a wolf howl, an Aye Matey, Rex's cry of "JUSTICE", and an actual potato from Kate.

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