Chapter Five: Wicked

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Robby's Point Of View

"ROBBY, COME ON" Niall whines as I ran around the bathroom, flipping my shit.

I mean - what does one wear to a broad way thing?! 

Yanking at the front of my white, strapless dress I stumble in my black heels and tried to put my earrings in, "I can't - I don't even know what to do there!"

"I thought you wanted to go?!" 

"WELL THAT WAS UNTIL I COULDN'T DECIDE WHAT THE HELL TO WEAR," I screamed and yanked the door open to find Niall staring at me in shock, "And that's not the worse part. The worse part is the fact I don't know what to do there. Do we just sit, or do we eat  - or anything?!" I waved my hadns around and Niall slowly shook his head and stare at me with a raised eye brow.

"We enjoy the show, and we can eat if we want to..."

Niall trailed off and I nodded and walked past him and grabbed my phone and pushed it down in-between the cleavage, no safer place rally, and then I pushed a curl out of my face and tucked it behind my ear before I grabbed a black cardigan and put it over my white and black dress.

"Okay, okay - umm, okay, let's go" I grabbed onto Niall's arm and dragged him out of the door as he still looked like he was in shock for some reason.

 "Wait - I don't even know where we are going. Niall - where - stop staring at me like that" I gave Niall a funny look as he blinked at me.

"Uh... driver should be..."

"In a car...?" I slowly say as he stared at me with his mouth a gape... is he stoned or...?

 "That's outside"

"That'd be the right spot for a driver in a car" 


"Are you okay?" I waved my hand in front of his face and he shakes his head.

"Yeah, come on" he grabbed onto my wrist and started to drag me to the elevator. We both stood there as the doors close and I glanced at him and slowly removed my wrist from his hand.

"You know, you clean up nice, Blondie"

"You too..." he breathed out awkwardly.

 The doors open and we walk out, side by side... him... being all awkward with a horrified expression on his face - way to go Boy Band, make it seem like I raped you or something in the elevator so your fans can come after me with pitch forks and battle axes.

"Do you have to pull that expression?" I whisper to Niall as we walk out of the hotel and to the car, he opens the door and gestures for me to get in, so I do, "Such a gentleman" I muttered while I tried to hold in a snicker.

He sits down next to me and the car starts driving away from the hotel and I peek a look at Niall in what I would say were black suit pants and a white long sleeve button down shirt.... he does look good. It should be against the law to be that good looking to the point where the punishment should be - and time to stop thinking before a mind reader hears me.

After a few minutes of my eyes glued to the glass that separated the awkward atmosphere in the back of the car with the driver in the front.

The car suddenly stops and I look out of the window to see people running about outside, "Come on, we're here" Niall drags me out of the back seat as I went limp to make it harder for him to - it was fun to do so.

"We'll be late" he warns me and I stand up on my heels before I look around.

"Then what are we waiting for?"

"Aren't you going to take your cardigan off?"


"Come on then..." he mumbles and I hurry after him, while trying not to fall face first into the cement, "Two tickets for Horan"

"Yes sir - here sir" the girl behind the desk squeaked and handed Niall our tickets, and then she caught sight of me and glared.

"That isn't a very good look for you sweet heart, maybe you should-"

"Come on" Niall quickly dragged me away from the girl that I wanted to rip apart - with words. With words people, with words... and a baseball bat.

"Sit" Niall pushed me down in a comfy red seat and I stared at the stage that was right in front of us.

And then the lights dim as I shrunk in my seat from the fact I just realized the entire place was filled, and then it started.

After the show:

Niall and I sat in our chairs in shock as everyone cleared out of the room, "Holy shit..."

That snapped me out of my state, "You swear?"

"Who doesn't?" he asked me and I put my hands in a 'I surrender' pose.

"We should go now..."

"Yep" I stood, stretching before I followed Niall out - which was weird, I thought I'd be at least at his throat with a knife of him at mine with a chain saw - well, we all know that's false since I'd make sure I'd have the biggest and most deadliest weapon to be found on New York.

"That was brilliant"

"Mmm, I like the fact they used a Shrek baby doll as the kid" (A/N: True fact there everyone)

Niall chuckles, "I liked that part"

"So did I"

We climbed back into the car before I turned and stared at him with wide eyes, "Wanna get Macca's?"

"Hell yeah" 

After stopping at McDonald's we went up to our hotel room and stuffed our faces with everything Niall bought before we then fell sleep next to each other, him holding a burger box and me holding a Happy Meal toy - well, this is probably one of the best nights of my life... so far.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2013 ⏰

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