Ch. 2 ~ Suspicion

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Nate walked into his room with a worried expression, not even noticing the still on-going Yo-Kai party. That was before a cup full of punch fell on him, making him turn to see Roughraff, Signibble, Peckpocket and Pandle standing there.

"My bad, brah," Roughraff responded.

"ALL OF YOU OUT! NOW!" Nate yelled in anger. Everyone stood there taking the threat as an empty one, until they saw Nate get the fan out making them run out as fast as they could.

When it cleared out, only Jibanyan and Whisper stood there.

" something the matter, Nate?" Whisper inquired.

"Yes something's the matter, while you two were here having a party... Y/N got kidnapped!" Nate yelled in anger.

" told us to stay here and that you didyn't care what we did," Jibanyan reminded.

"Eh, true that," Nate sighed as he tossed the cup off of his head and into his garbage, "I'm going to bed. You two better have this room cleaned up by the time I wake up," he said before he laid down to sleep.


"Nate... help me..." Y/N's voice called out. She was within a dark void with little to no light, she felt like it was closing in on her, "Please... help me..."


"Y/N!" Nate yelled as he woke up with a start, presently horrified.

"Oh come on, Nyate! You were only asleep an hour!" Jibanyan whinned.

"...sorry..." Nate apologized, watching as Jibanyan sweeped up some confetti while Whisper stored the food within his head, "...I'm just... worried,"

"What happened to Y/N?" Whisper asked, "Did she trip and scrape her knee or something?"

"YOU IDIOT, WERE YOU NOT LISTENING TO ME EARLIER?!" Nate shouted as he bonked Whisper on the head, causing the punch bowl to come falling out of Whisper's mouth, "Somebody kidnapped Y/N!"

"Was it a Yo-Kai?" Jibanyan asked.

"I don't know," Nate shrugged as his eyes widened and he buried his face into his hands, "I am such an idiot! I didn't scan for Yo-Kai!"

"Yes, that was quite idiotic of you Nate," Whisper informed picking up the bowl.

"Excuse me for being afraid I would get kidnapped too!" Nate growled.

"Nyate, calm down," Jibanyan told him, "Being upset won't help anything,"

"You're right, sorry," Nate said apologetically, "But we need to get back up there so I can scan for anything that could tell us what happened."

A soft knock came at the door, making Nate turn to open it up and see his mom.

"Everything alright? I heard you scream,"

"Yeah I'm fine sorry, just had a nightmare,"

Mrs. Adams then proceeded to pull Nate into a comforting hug "Everything will be fine Nate, they'll find
Y/N," she said softly.

Nate hugged her back, tears dripping down from his face.


Y/N was struggling to get free from the chains that were holding her to the wall and also trying to get the gag off of her. She couldn't tell where her captor was, or what they were planning. Suddenly, all of her thoughts came to a total stop as she was suddenly knocked out cold.


The next day at Springdale Elementary, Y/N's kidnapping was the topic of everyone's mind, teachers and students alike. Nate stared at the ground as he walked to class, but his train of thought was interrupted when Bear and Eddie came up to him.

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