37: Rivers and Roads

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Chapter Thirty-Seven

I pulled out of the hug and stared at her. How could she possibly know about that?


"We should talk." She glanced over to where Schylar and Kells sat on the bench. "I'm going to steal her for just a second."

Schylar groaned. "Please tell me this isn't one of those 'I need her to come to the bathroom with me even though only one of us really needs to pee' type of things."

"Schylar, shut up," Allie snapped. "I swear. You are so rude sometimes. I don't know how she puts up with it."

"She puts up with me the same way she puts up with you. Only thing is I didn't blurt out random personal things like one of our other friends is in love with her."

Kells was looking between the two with that mischievous smile on his face. Every time that happened I had to worry that chaos would ensue.


"Oh like you're doing better? You're sleeping with the girl that put paste in her hair when we were six."

"And Natalie put superglue in her shoes. What's your point?"

"You used to be on our side."

"So there are sides now?"

"There are when you choose the queen of bitch-dom over your best friend."

"Who said I was choosing?"

"Every time you..."

"Ok," I said a little louder than they were arguing. "That's enough."

"No, no, Epiphany. Let them continue. It's quite enjoyable."

I glared of him. Of course he would find this fascinatingly funny. Then again when things didn't have anything to do with his...sorted past, he thought it was interesting. It was almost hard to believe that I'd known him less than a day and I already knew him so well.

"Epiphany?" Schylar wrinkled his nose. "That sounds like a bad sneeze."

"Oh my god! You're like the worst person ever!" Allie exclaimed. "That's her Elite name, you idiot."

He stood up and glared at her. "How do you know?"

"Well it's sort of obvious, isn't it? Oh wait, I forgot. You have a problem connecting things that aren't certain parts of the human anatomy."

"You bit..."

"GUYS!" I yelled, cutting off his name calling. "Enough! Ok? Please stop fighting."

"She started it."

"He started it."

"Well I'm ending it! Geeze, guys. Stop making me sound like my dad! It's my birthday! Just...get along for the rest of the day. For me at least."

Allie glared at Schylar and he scowled back. "I will if she will."

"And I guess I can too."

"Thank you."

It was Kells turn to scowl. "You're such a downer. It was just getting good."

"For you maybe. I have to hear it every time they're around each other. It's like a Spanish soap opera with English subtitles."

"You know what they say about that though, right?" He wiggled his eyebrows. "It's a sign that they..."

"If you say love, I swear you'll regret it," Allie said.

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