15: Not A Serial Killer

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Chapter Fifteen

"You know, this vehicle is bigger close up."

Union opened the door which appeared to be at least half my size. "I was going to borrow my mother's car but I specifically need the Hummer for tonight."

"Should I ask why?"

"You can but I'm not going to tell you."

"Not even so I know where I'm going?"

He shook his head and held out his hand for me to take. This would be interesting. The night was suddenly shrouded in mystery and I liked it. I was finding more and more things to like about him. When it came to him there were surprises and that was something all the local boys lacked in my opinion. They all went to the same restaurants, the same hangouts, there was nothing new. Union was both new to town and I highly doubted we were going anywhere I was familiar with. I hoped at least.

After he helped me into the passenger seat, he closed the door and jogged around to get in. I watched him the whole time, studying him. I didn't know much about him but the way he carried himself portrayed confidence. Now, I was used to confidence, I was an amateur golfer after all but there was something different about his confidence. Maybe it was the fact he didn't show it as often or as much.

The last date I'd been on was with a guy who was certain he would be able to wiggle his way into my pants. Little did he know that all he would end up with that night was a police escort home. My father had called my uncle when he saw me slap the boy across the face before getting out of the car. Apparently my uncle was already waiting around the corner and pulled up with sirens blaring and lights flashing. I probably should've been embarrassed but I was grateful for some weird reason. Maybe it was because on some level I knew my father and uncle would protect me. They always made me feel safe even when I didn't want to be.

As if the two of them knew I was thinking about them, my phone pinged with a text. I read it over, the corner of my mouth turning up.

"What?" Union said as he started the car. "Who is it?"

"My father wants me to inform you that I should be home by ten since it's a school night."

Union was frowning. "Okay. I think I can manage ten."

"He also told me to tell you that if I'm not, my uncle will come looking for us."

"Should I be worried?"

He pulled away from the curb, both eyes on the road.

"My uncle's the police chief."

"So that's a yes. Thank god we're not going far. I was thinking about taking you to the next town over for this little restaurant my parents and I stopped at when we drove down. Thank goodness I changed my mind."

"So where are we going?"

He shook his head, his smile only visible because of the light coming off the instrument panel in front of him.

"Nope. Not going to work. You're just going to have to be surprised."

"Just do me favor real quick." He nodded. "Tell me you're not a serial killer."

He barked out a laugh and glanced over at me, the irises of his eyes appearing to be little black balls from the lack of light.

"No. I'm not a serial killer."

"Alright then." I settled in my seat. "Then this should be an ok evening."

"Only ok?"

"Well it's just started. Who knows how the night will go?"

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