13: Split Personalities

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Chapter Thirteen

By the time I got up in the morning, I'd decided to take the day to mourn. It was pretty stupid, I know, to mourn the loss of a relationship that had literally been nonexistent for the past three years, but I did it anyway.

I even wore black.

Well, a black shirt with a jean skirt. I was pushing the school's dress code with the skirt. But I'd taken the time to have tan legs this summer and if I was mourning than I had every right to show them off...right?


I'd just gotten out of my car and jumped at the sound of a foreign voice. My keys dropped to the asphalt and I whirled around.

"Union. Jesus! It's too early in the morning to be sneaking up on people."

He was trying not to smile but in the end he was grinning. "Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I've been calling your name since I got out of my own car." He pointed across the lot to a black Hummer.

"Huh. I didn't know they still made those. Didn't the company go into bankruptcy or something?"

"If you know where to look you can still pick one up."

"Right." I stooped down and swiped my keys off the ground. "So what's up, Michael Myers?"

"Funny." We started walking towards the school. "I wanted to know if you wanted to have dinner tonight. You know, to make up for the one we didn't have last night."

I folded my arms over my chest and suppressed my own smile. Why was it guys always knew when you were vulnerable? It's like they had radar for it. Well, I wasn't going to come off that easy. After all I'd sworn to myself last night that I was moving on and here was the perfect opportunity. Being over eager though, was not something I wanted.

"Technically we didn't have plans."

"You're right but we were going to have dinner."

"No. We were having a conversation that might've led to dinner."

He chuckled. "Fair enough. So, tonight, do you want to have a legit dinner?"

My eyes slid to the side to look at him. He looked hopeful enough.

"I don't know. What's in it for me?"

"Besides a free meal and taking me up on my offer to get to know me better?"

"So you? That's what you're saying?"

I stopped on the sidewalk and he moved to face me. "Yeah. I guess that's what I'm saying."

"And no ulterior motives? You're not trying to get under someone else's skin?"

"Are you normally this suspicious when someone asks you out?"

"Answer the question please."

He was frowning but nodded. "No ulterior motives. I promise."

Well at least he was being honest. "Girl can't be too careful. I guess we can have dinner."

"Good. I'll pick you up at eight then."

"Sounds like a plan."

"Can I walk you to class?"

"You're pushing it."

We were both smiling so he knew I was kidding, at least somewhat.

"Good morning, love birds." Schylar slung an arm around my neck. "And what might we be talking about?"

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