Carving a Pumpkin

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Louis: "Isn't this something you do in the colder weather? Where did you even get pumpkins now?!" You asked that, as laughter fell from your mouth. In front of you, Louis was holding up two pumpkins to carve, though it was the middle of July. "They aren't real [Y/N]," Louis tried to show you that the orange vegetable he was holding, was actually made of foam. You laughed again, "You bought fake pumpkins to carve. Why?" Louis placed them down, and excitedly looked at you, "Well we missed Halloween, and you had mentioned wanting to carve one. And I couldn't find actual pumpkins this time of year, so I bought these." You were shocked. Even almost a year later, he remembered what you had told him. You were so happy, you felt like you could cry. "I love you so much Louis."

Niall: Halloween was weeks away, but Niall was leaving tomorrow, so you were carving your pumpkins now. "They'll be destroyed by Halloween," you stated, not sure who would even see them now. "Well we see it now," Niall answered, as he placed the top back onto his. "Okay, I think I'm done. Does this look like a ghost?" He spun the pumpkin around so you could see the front, and instead of the smile he expected, you burst into laughter. "What is that?!" The shape on his pumpkin looked nothing like the ghost he said it was. "Can't you tell it's a ghost?" You tried to contain your laughter, but could not, "A ghost? Really Niall? It looks like you just stabbed the pumpkin until it looked like anything at all." Niall was the one laughing now, as he turned it back around, "I kind of did that. I thought it did look like a ghost though."

Zayn: "Why am I even trying?" You sighed, as you stared at your pumpkin. No matter what you carved into it, you knew Zayn's artistic talent would mean that his would be perfection, and you also knew that yours would not be. "Yours will be a masterpiece, and mine will look like a five year old did it." Zayn shook his head, while stopping what he was doing, "This is just for fun. Who cares what they look like? Just carve whatever you can." You rolled your eyes, "Easy for you to say. Yours will look like something they'd have on display." He actually laughed softly at that, "I don't think so. I'm not even sure what I'm doing. Let's just have fun with this. Maybe we can see who can make the worst carving?" That seemed like a lot of fun. "Okay, I think I can win that."

Liam: "So one of us gets to carve, and the other can watch?" you asked, after Liam showed you the single pumpkin he had gotten. You'd sent him out to the store to get some to carve, and he somehow thought one was enough. Now he realized why that wasn't a good idea, "Well I... We can carve it together." As soon as he said that, you nodded your head. "We should do that. Maybe half and half? You do one side, and I'll do the other." "Won't the light look weird then?" You thought of that for moment, "True." He placed it down on the table, "Why don't we just carve it together totally. Like the same side. We can just do it together, and see what shape it turns out to be." A bit of laughter left your mouth. "So I won't tell you what I'm carving?" He shook his head, "And I won't tell you. It'll be interesting."

Harry: "You're taking forever," you complained, when after forty minutes Harry was still carving his pumpkin. You'd been done for over 20 now; carving a simple smile and eyes didn't take that long. "I'm so bored just watching this." "Just wait a few more moments," he replied, as he put the finishing details into his art. It was nowhere close to what he wanted it to look like, but it was okay. "Done!" "Finally, I can see it!" You were so excited, as he turned the pumpkin around. And then you did not know what to say. When you sat there frozen, Harry nervously laughed, "Well what do you think?" "It's... Is that supposed to be me?" A huge smile covered his face. He was glad you could tell what he had been trying to carve, "It is. I wanted a beautiful pumpkin, so it's you." Your face was red, when you responded, "I love it."

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