What A Feeling

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Liam: Almost dating did not mean anything when your heart moved on. Almost was just not real. Liam hated that those were the thoughts rushing through his mind, as he watched you dancing with the man who had actually captured your heart in a way he never could. Your dress was catching the light as he spun you around. It had almost been him, but instead he had wasted too much time, and you were now with another. "She loves him," he sighed, speaking to Niall who was standing beside him watching you as well, "In her eyes there's no lies. There's no question, she's not in a disguise. She's in love." Niall had no words to tell him that could help. He could see Liam was hurting over you moving on. You were not wrong in doing so though. Liam waited for too long, just holding back all that he should have said. And Niall could see just as well as Liam, that yes, you were in love. "It's too late. I ran out of time to tell her how I feel," Liam continued, not at all trying to hide the disappointment in his voice, "I should have told her. Things could be so different, if only I'd told her how I feel."

Louis: There was something in your relationship with Louis that told you both it would never last. Neither of you saw this as forever, but for whatever it was now it was good. You didn't need to see forever with him, to love being with him every single second you did have. And despite this lack of a future either of you saw, there was no way either of you could walk away now. "You know with no way out and a long way down, I don't know why we started this at all," Louis commented, hoping you understood what he meant, and wouldn't take it the wrong way. And you did understand. You nodded your head, and sighed, "It's too late to turn back now, even if I think we both know how this ends." Louis was a bit relieved to hear you say that. At least you both had the same mindset as to where this would all go. "But I guess everybody needs someone around. But I can't hold you too close now, because I also know I don't want to get too used to something that will end." You bit your lip, and nodded your head once more, "I understand, but we're already doing this. Let's just go all in. So at least when it does end, we have no regrets."

Harry: You had a guard up when it came to love. There was a wall that you had built up after time and time again getting hurt by guys you swore they never would. So when your relationship began with Harry, that wall did not suddenly fall down. You kept a distance from him, refusing to let him in completely. You could just seeing the ending already, and knew it would end in pain for you. Harry knew very well that your love could never last though if you felt like that. Holding back would only stop anything from happening, and you would end up hurting yourself in the love run. The exactly pain you wanted to prevent, you would cause. "Whatever chains are holding you back, don't let 'em tie you down," he told you softly, hoping you could see how much you holding back would not help anything. How could you find the right man, if you blocked your heart from even trying? "Love is out there and it could be right here, but you'll never know if you hold back. You can be treated right [Y/N]. I want to treat you right. Tell me you believe in that." Your voice shook, as you honestly replied, "I do believe in that, or I want to at least. I'm just so scared to get hurt. Again. Give me time, please. Show me that I can trust you, and maybe that wall will come down."

Niall: For months and months you and Niall had been apart after a breakup neither of you wanted. You each believed the other wanted it though, and that is what kept you apart for so long. It had all truly been the pressure of it all that caused it. Niall believed it was too much for you, and when he tried to bring it up you thought he was breaking up with you. Instead of fixing what issues were there, you walked away. But now, after many months, somehow you were at his place. You were laying in bed together, after finally talking out the things you should have so long ago. Niall was so happy to finally have you back. He'd been miserable without you, and this was all he wanted, "What a feeling to be right here beside you now, holding you in my arms. When the air ran out and we both started running wild, the sky fell down, I just thought that was it. There was no way we could fix it. We did though." You blushed. You spent months crying over a man who still looked at you as if you were the entire world. He held you a little tighter, "What a feeling to be a king beside you. Because that's what it feels like. You make me feel like the most important person in the world, lucky enough to have you by my side."

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