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Jess waits a good ten seconds before saying "All four of you will be fighting in a Husband Games, fighting for your lives and for a member of One Direction!"

The four girls just sit in shock. Could this be real? They just had to fight for their lives, and they have to do it again? They look at their future husbands, Ashton, Calum, Luke, and Michael, with a questioning look. They slightly nod to the girls, looking sad. All the girls get up and approach Jess.

"This is insane! We have to fight for another guy? What about these guys?" Maddy says guesting to the men.

"They'll still be yours," says Jess "If you win."

"That's not fair!" Lynne cries out.

"Niall's, Harry's, Zayn's, Liam's, and Louis' girls are more powerful than all of you are. They train daily, not just in the competition. It is in two months." says Jess through clenched teeth.

"So that's it? We risk our lives for the man that we love, to then risk it again for another man?" says Lynne, nearly in tears.

"What if we die?! What about them, then?! They're just going to live alone?!" Wynter shouts furiously.

"Well, you'd better train extra hard. You're, obviously, powerful enough to win this competition. Which means your powerful enough to compete in the next one." Jess says giving the girls a dirty look.

"But-" Maddy says but Jess interrupts her.

"ENOUGH!" Jess says as she walks back to the podium, and the girls eventually sit back down.

"We will have their wedding tomorrow morning, we have already planned everything out. You are all welcome to attend!" Jess says with a smile.

The crowd cheers, but the four girls are still in shock. They only have two months with their fiancé, until they risk their lives again.

"Uh, Jess?" Wynter says as she gets up and taps Jess on the shoulder.

"Yes, darling?" Jess says.

"What is going to happen to our current husbands? That is, if we win the other Husband Games." Wynter says nervously.

"The boys have an agreement with each other, you'll be married to both of them. I mean, you did win them fair and square."

"Then, what happens if I don't?"

"Well, I'm sorry my dear, we'll just have to host another Husband Games."

Another Husband Games? Even if just one of the four girls died, they'd still have to kill four girls, so they could have their one winner.

The ceremony ends and all the girls and men go to bed, excited for the wedding, but at the same time terrified because in just two months they would be at risk of dying. Again.

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