Chapter 11

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"What do you mean you can't find her?"

"She isn't in the kitchen, Fred lost her in there."

"How did he lose her in the kitchen?"

"I don't know sir."

"Where is Ian?"

"Went looking sir, Paul as well."

"Okay, get Paul back here, you are coming with me but someone has to stay here."

"Yes sir."

Luke called Paul while I started walking to the kitchen, inside everything was buzzing with activity, dinner must almost be done. Zane is nowhere to be seen, my blood is already boiling, if he is the reason she is missing he is going to pay. At that moment Zane walked through the door, his arms full of bags. I waited till he placed them on the table before I gather his shirt in my fist.

"Where is Princess Lisa?"

He smirked at me, "Unable to protect your own wife?"

"Remember who you are talking to Zane."

"Oh I remember, you're the guy that doesn't appreciate his wife, the one who doesn't love his wife."

"Let's get one thing clear Zane, I love my wife."

"Yeah right but does she love you?"

"I'll take it from here sir, no need for you to do this."

I let go of Zane to let Ian take charge of the situation. I walked out of the kitchen and to our room, I need to calm down. Inside the room I walked to the bathroom, I was just about to enter when I walked into Lisa.

"Here you are! You know everyone is frantically searching for you."

Relief flooded me, everything within me just wants to pull her into a hug and never let go of her again. It's insane how worried I got, I just can't bear the thought that something might have happened to her. Without her in my life, my whole life will be meaningless.

"Oh, why? I tried to tell Fred where I was going but he was distracted."

"What happened Lisa?"

"One of the girls in the kitchen spilled soup all over me, I came up to change clothes."

"Where was Fred in all of this?"

"Staring into that pretty blond girl's eyes."

He is going to have a lot of explaining to do, "Let me just call Ian and tell him you are safe."

Ian answered immediately, once I told him where Lisa is he said he would be here right away, I also asked him to tell Luke.

"We should get back; our parents must be worried."

"Wait Lisa, I...Ian said you were distracted earlier, is everything okay?"

She looked confused but then realisation dawned on her, "Zane and I had a...interesting moment."

"What moment?"

"He has this strange idea that I understood one of his messages, in truth I was just following my usual routine."

I don't know if I should be mad or worried, "Maybe we should change your usual routine a bit."

"Wayne, we can't change our lives because of him, then he wins, don't worry about me with Ian by my side, Zane won't do anything."

I know what she means and I understand the context but it still hurts that she says with Ian by her side, not me. Zane's words are floating in my head; does she love me?

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